Self-care and self-love are often mistaken to take care of your body only, although it is a combination of both. However, in my opinion, taking care of your mental health is more important than physical health as if your mental health suffers you will not get the required result of physical betterment as well. This becomes more important for college going students as they are at one of the most vulnerable stages of their lives and if disturbed in any way they can very easily get off the track.
To be a successful and productive student, you need to take care of yourself in every way but your mental status should be your priority. Being a college student is not easy, there are a lot of things happening for the first time and students get mentally and physically exhausted. To avoid such a situation follow these tips and you will be able to take care of your mental health, however, if you feel that things are out of control, seek professional help as soon as possible.
Meditation is not just creating a spiritual connection of mind and body, it is a great way to relax and detoxify your mind as well. There are no certain rules for meditation just one condition that you have to be at a peaceful place all the rest depends on your convenience. You can meditate at any time, for a suitable duration and by the end of the exercise, you will feel the difference. Meditation strengthens your mind and your decision-making skills.
Control your thoughts
Meditation will also help to achieve this. We have a bunch of random thoughts both negative and positive coming into our minds which we usually ignore but the fact is that we shouldn’t. Our thoughts, conscious or unconscious, manage our actions and to make sure that we take the next step carefully and take the right decision we have to be in the right state of mind and for that we need to control what we think. This includes self-talk as well. Be very conscious of what you are thinking and saying to yourself and do not let any kind of negativity make an impact on your life.
Keep yourself busy
Being idle is also a reason for deteriorating mental and physical health. Though is highly unlikely for college students to have extra time for themselves even if they seek academic assistance. However, there can be exceptions and if you are having some issues, you might feel like working and that can worsen the situation. So ensure that all your extra hours are productive and for that, you can do a job or volunteer for a cause.
Surround yourself with positive people
A person can be easily recognized by the company he keeps. The people surrounding you have a deep impact on your personality so choose wisely with whom you want to hang out. It is completely fine to limit your interactions with toxic and negative people even if they are family as you have every right to so what is best for you.
Be physically active
As mentioned earlier that physical and mental health are interrelated, being active also helps to improve your mental health. By staying active and inculcating any kind of exercising routine in your daily schedule, you will keep your mind and body healthy. Exercising is also recommended if you are depressed as by working out our mind releases hormones that make us feel good about ourselves.
Eat healthily
Junk is toxic for the mind as well. It makes you lazy, dull and is bad for health. If you are fond of junk food, either replace it with healthy options or limit it to the minimum and take it as a treat meal. Our bodies are the only place that we have to live and we have to treat them sacredly to avoid mishaps.
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