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December 20, 2019

Prioritizing Mental Health in College

College can be a time of new experiences and growth. Young adults take on new responsibilities and learn how to take care of themselves. Soon, they are in charge and in control of their lifestyle and education. This type of pressure can easily have major effects on their mental health. Time and time again, students begin to feel depressed, anxious and stressed. This can lead to eating disorders, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. This is why it is so important to prioritize mental health in college:

Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

To aid students in their mental health, colleges and universities must promote an overall healthy lifestyle on their campus. This means offering healthy meal programs, making nutritional classes a requirement,  having a gym or exercise facility on campus, and overall making healthy eating and regular exercise a priority for their students. When students are eating healthy and getting regular exercise, their mental health can greatly improve.

Someone to Talk To

One of the biggest ways campuses must do for their students is by having staff and trained professionals for students to talk to. If they feel they have nowhere to go and no one to listen to them, they will feel lost and alone, making their mental health decline even more. Campuses that encourage their students to reach out for health and mental wellness help will have a better chance of ensuring their students’ mental stability is taken well care of.

On-campus Hobbies and Activities

Taking a break from studying or other stressful school priorities can improve overall wellness.  It’s important for campuses to offer their students clubs and programs to get their minds off of their studies and help them destress. It is also a great way to bring students together to make new friends and build relationships. This can help them feel less alone and lead to a happier experience in higher education.

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