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December 12, 2019

What they don’t tell you about the law of attraction!

What they don’t tell you about the law of attraction!

When I first heard the law of attraction it sounded great! Ask, believe, receive! Sounds easy enough right! It says we all can have anything we want! The universe is like a genie granting wishes! You have to get on the same frequency as your desires? What is that frequency? They say it is feeling happy. But what if you think you are feeling happy and still nothing happens. What if you are having trouble feeling happy? Universal timing does come into play. It will not always happen over night. However some of us have a harder time getting unstuck. They don’t explain in full detail about energies, chakra systems, and childhood wounds or old programming as well as traumas and fear based realities.

I had to do a lot of meditating to see why my dreams were not coming into fruition right away. I did this thing since I was a child, I would think of the worse possible outcome. That way I was not disappointed. What I did not realize i was blocking my dreams as well as creating anxiety and fear. Our mind does not know the difference between imagination or reality. So when we watch scary movies, and we jump it’s because we felt an actual threat. I had to stop scaring myself and to stop watching scary movies. I had to make a lot of changes in my life. Just like the saying goes if you want to see changes in life you can’t stay stuck in the same routines. Have you ever noticed when you start changing just a few things in your life you feel better. You can’t expect different outcomes if you keep doing the same things. How many of us do this? We tell ourselves well I’m not like that person I can’t be happy all the time? Well why not? It’s our god given right? Why let people or things steal your joy? We control our minds it is not the other way around. And if you are letting your mind control you, then your in for one crazy ride. People do not control us. But we sometimes let them. We take on other people’s hurt, or pain when they react to us in a negative way. I had to learn that when someone is upset at you or saying something negative to you, it is really they are upset with themselves. Stop taking everything personal. Everyday we have a choice to start over and  live new. Which road will you take? The same miserable road or a happy new one?  The difference between you and the person that has everything is they never gave up! That is the real secret behind everything. Our forefathers when they created inventions failed thousands of times when making inventions. But they did not let it get to them. Instead they felt they knew what didn’t work. Find reasons for happiness. I have a wish jar, grateful journals, vision boards, and I look to do the things that I love. In the past I did not do these things. And I stayed around toxic people. And tried to fix others. I never fixed myself. Until the last couple of years.

It is all about awareness. If you are not aware of what your doing how can you change it? If you don’t control your thoughts then they control you. If you don’t know what the problem is how can you solve it ? We live in a quick fix society. Let’s medicate the person and there problem solved! Let’s drink our problems away but surprise when we come off that high the problems are still there! Sometimes worse than before. Change the way you look at things. What is the difference between a good outcome or bad? The way we look at it. Counseling helps you get to the root of your problems. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. If we are living in the past how can we be present ? How can you enjoy today if we are worried about the future. Think about it.

If we are truly living in this exact moment how can we not be happy? The magic starts with the now. I know this is not an easy process it took me years to get here. However I never gave up, I did not let things get in me way. If I could not open a door, I broke it down or made a door where there was not one. Start out with asking yourself some simple questions for instance how do I feel about the people around me? Happy or sad? Is there toxic people in your environment? Do I have any addictive qualities? Start breaking everything down. Am I co-dependent? Attached to outcomes and people? All of this takes time but it’s worth it! The law of attraction is real and it works. My favorite quote is there are people doing the job that you want that are less qualified than you! So what are you waiting for ?

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