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December 10, 2019

Why you should never get divorced – Come what may!

 Of course you shouldn’t. Divorce is Evil. Divorce is for selfish people. People who don’t conform to the sanctity of marriage. The defected ones, the cheaters, the house breakers, the heartless ones. Divorced people are not respected at all. Why should they be, they lose their right to live the moment they sign the dotted line.

 Right? This is the treatment given to ‘the divorced’.

 Now coming to the point of why you shouldn’t get divorced? 

  1. Your Children don’t deserve it.

Of course they don’t. No child deserves a broken family. It has an everlasting impact on them. But you and your child are allowed to suffer. Suffer as much in the bad marriage, let the child see the abuse and torture. It’s perfectly fine to let you children grow up seeing domestic violence, distress, sorrow and shame. It really doesn’t affect their psyche that much to know that its may be happening because of them. Yes, it’s absolutely fair to put your children through this than take a stand to move out and be called a divorcee. After all, its only divorce that harms children and their future, bad marriages have no impact on them at all.


  1. A known devil is better then an unknown one.


How cool is this statement… right? How many times have we told ourselves this line just to combat our emotion of fleeing away. Of course the known devil is better, because we know how he can cheat, how much he can hit, how much he can abuse… we know the limits. No one in their sane mind will go out to find a new future and take a chance at life again. Why would we do that? When we are now so use to the ill treatment. Why would you divorce a person you know so very well?


  1. There is no life after divorce.

This is so true. Life only exists when you are married, Irrespective of the fact that the marriage is good or bad. The parameter of life is only judged with the relationship status. Why change your pattern of life when you’ve got used to the harassment, the pain, the bullying, the sleepless nights, the violent attitude, the suppression, burning of your own dreams, looking at your children and thinking, what wrong did they do? Who would give that up for a life of dignified struggle? However bad the marriage is you and your child still have roof on your head, so what if that roof doesn’t have love and respect… you have a roof?

For the ones who feel confused, let me lay it out straight. I am a divorcee and I am proud single parent. And none of the above reasons should let you stay to get insulted. And I tell you to move out when your respect is compromised. When your love is taken for granted. When you see you child suffering and asking question that he/ she is not supposed to ask. When you stay in situation like these and suppress your emotions, you are laying ground for cheating to happen, which by the way is a sure shot deterrent to a happy marriage.

So I say,

Get divorced form your bad marriage.

Get divorced from being loved less.

Get divorced from feeling that you are not good enough.

Get divorced from the fear of being a single parent.

Get divorced from the pressure of society and parents.


Your life is your own first and then it belongs to anyone else. You deserve someone who looks at you like you are magic. You need a head on shoulders that you can trust. You need a heart that is ready to heal/ You need strength to stand up for your children because its not necessary that broken families should produce broken children.

I don’t advocate divorce, but I don’t advocate bad marriage either.

I don’t advocate broken families, but I am against raising broken children too.

Divorce is a good thing because only the bad marriages end up in divorce. Never the good ones.


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