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December 17, 2019

Yoga Poses for Concentration

Have you been getting too distracted at your workplace or at home? Or When was the last time you gave something your complete attention? If you fail to think of something instantly, then that is maybe not a great sign. Well, we all need focus and concentration to do various day-to-day tasks, but if you have been struggling with your attention and focus, it is time you got your loitering mind to concentrate on the things that you need to do. Thankfully, yoga can help. All of us know very well about the incredible health benefits of Yoga, though, the best quality amongst all is that it works on moving our inner structure. It brings our awareness to the present moment and focusing our attention on our breath, the movement, and challenging poses will, in turn, improve our concentration. Yoga works to relax your body and mind so that we are able to think more clearly, and also in time increase our capacity to concentrate.

1.Tree pose (Vrksasana)

“Vrikshasana is one of the easiest asanas out there, and still it’s also one of the most helpful ones,” Vrikshasana or Tree  Pose is defined so as the asana reminds you of a tree, Unlike several different asanas, This asana does not need you to shut the eyes while practicing it. Retain the eyes open throughout the asana and concentrate on an object ahead to keep your body balanced.

Steps to do this pose:-

  • Start by standing in a Mountain Pose with the feet either hip-distance apart or touching
  • Find your Drishti by focusing your gaze on one still point on the floor
  • Either draw your hands to your hips or bring your palms to meet at heart center
  • when you take breathe, raise the right foot off the ground
  • As you exhale, externally rotate your hip so that your knee and your toes are pointing outward
  • As you inhale, draw your foot to press into your inner left thigh (always be sure to avoid the knee joint)
  • Reach your hands skyward
  • Modify as you want, hold for 5 deep breaths, and then you can change to the opposite leg


  • People who are suffering from high or low blood pressure problems can avoid this pose.
  • If you have problems like migraine, insomnia you should not do this pose.
  • Don’t perform tree pose if you have an acute knee problem or hip injury.


2.Half Moon Pose ( Ardha Chandrasana )

Half Moon works the hips in the opposite direction of Warrior III, perform this pose for 4-5 times will calm your mind and body. This pose not just helps you calm your thoughts but also will help you increase your body flexibility level. 

Steps to do this pose:-

  • Start by standing in a Mountain Pose with the feet either hip-distance apart or touching
  • Find your Drishti by focusing your gaze on one still point on the floor
  • Hinge from your hips to come into Standing Forward Fold
  • Plant your left fingertips at the top left corner of your mat and bring your right hand to your right hip
  • Lift your right foot up off of the floor and bring your right leg to hip level
  • Externally rotate your hip so your right hip stacks on top of your left. Keep both legs straight and strong
  • Lift your right arm skyward, making one long line between both arms, and shift your gaze skyward
  • Modify as you like, hold for at least 5-6 deep breaths, and then switch to another side


  • People who have a neck injury should not keep looking straight and also can avoid this pose. 
  • If someone has any problems like insomnia, low blood pressure, migraine, cervical then you must not perform this pose.

3.Mountain Pose ( Tadasana )

Swami Kriyananda describes mountain pose as the most valuable yoga pose in his book, If the levels of your oxygen in your brain are decreased, it may result in poor absorption. mountain pose will help you increase the levels of your oxygen in your frontal part and spinal cord of your brain. This pose helps to improve your body posture and strengthens of your legs. It also increases awareness and balances your breathing.

Steps to do this pose:-

  1. To start with this pose, you need to stand upright with some space between your feet.
  2. Now bring your hands in front of your body and interlock your fingers.
  3. Stretch your arms over your head by inhaling deeply, now balance your body on the toes by raising your heels.
  4. Feels the muscles of your body tight, hold your body in this position for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Release your body by exhaling and come back to the normal position.


  • This pose Must not perform by People who have a Patient of Varicose vein, low blood pressure problem, insomnia, knee injury.
  • Women who are pregnant should consult their doctor before doing this pose.

4.Seated Forward Bend ( Paschimottanasana )

Seated forward bend pose is one of the best yoga stretches for improving the flexibility of your body and also helps you with improving your concentration power by releases the tension in the lower back.

Practice the asana on an empty stomach and clean bowels, it will help you digest food releases energy. This pose also helps to reduce constipation and stimulates your intestines and gall bladder.

Steps to do this pose:- 

  • Begin by sitting in the staff pose with your legs stretched out in front of you.
  • Inhale and bring your arms overhead with your spine up tall.
  • As you exhale start bending forward, hinging at your hips.
  • On each inhale draw yourself a bit out of the forward bending.
  • But while exhaling deepen the forward bend. Keep your spine long and straight.
  • Let your hands hold where ever it can reach to like the knees or the ankles. But don’t force your body in the forward bending.
  • Hold your body in this position for 15 seconds then release.


  • People who have asthma, diarrhea, back injury, the problem of slipped disc.
  • women who are pregnant should not perform this asana and also ask your doctor.

5.Corpse Pose ( Shavasana )

It’s a state of relaxation and normally people do it at the end of a yoga session. When you perform Savasana, you are relaxed but in a position of full-awareness. This asana might seem very easy and simple, but it may also be one of the toughest since you need to fully relax the mind and body. To increase your concentration, you simply need to do savasana for 10-15 minutes. It gives your whole body to absorb the benefit of the yoga practice, and rest your mind and body.

Steps to do this pose:- 

  • ensure that you’re comfortable, ensure that the legs should relax fully and the toes are looking sidewards.
  • The arms should be arranged along the body and lightly apart, leaving the palms open and looking upwards.
  • Afterward, gently bring attention to all areas of the body, beginning from the toes.
  • when you do it, you should breathe gradually, but deeply, placing the body in a position of intense relaxation.
  • when you inhale, the body will be energized, and when you exhale, the body will calm down.
  • Take 4-5 deep breaths and obtain experience of the surroundings before you open the eyes again.


This pose doesn’t contain any serious precautions, you just need to make sure that you are doing this pose in a silent atmosphere to get more benefits.


Finding balance in our yoga practice symbolically allows us to find balance in our daily lives. So next time if you find yourself unable to concentrate, I invite you to practice some or all of the poses above to bring yourself back into the present moment, letting your concentration and focus to increase and become a bigger portion of your daily life.

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