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January 21, 2020

11 Habits That Will Save you Time

Do you find yourself always lagging behind and hardly accomplishing your to-do list? Do you ever wonder how successful people seem to do like a million things in a day? You are then left wondering where they get all this time while you are left with none yourself?

Wonder no more because in this article, I am going to share tips on how you can get more done by saving time. The habits I am giving you below are easily doable yet they will free time you never realized you had.

1.Organize your day the previous night – Get your outfits the previous night, have a to-do list, and write down what you are going to do at what time. This will help you not waste time in the day trying to fit in tasks or wondering which one to do when.

2.Make your waiting time useful – We spend a lot of time waiting. Instead of sitting in the banking hall, traffic, and doctor’s office complaining, you should use that time doing something constructive. You can respond to an email, read a book, phone someone you need to, listen to a podcast, say your daily prayers for your husband, etc. This will save you the time you had allocated to do these tasks as well as help you to be less cranky.

3.Clear your desk – Get rid of stuff that you are not using from atop your desk. This will ensure you are not distracted since when you have clutter on your desk, all you can think about is how it’s not supposed to be there. Remove all the distractions from your desk and your concentration will be high. In turn, you will save time you would have otherwise wasted getting interrupted.

4. Sign out of social media – You waste a lot of time when you are constantly on social media. To save this time and use it constructively, you should sign out of email and social media. By doing this, you will avoid unnecessary prompts that start innocently and then have you hooked for hours.

5. Maintain serene surroundings – Clean and organize your surroundings to get rid of the stuff you don’t need or use anymore. Getting rid of clutter will save you time that you use searching for what you use in the midst of what you don’t. Similarly, you won’t waste time on maintenance and cleaning stuff you don’t use anymore.

6.Create a reward system – Learn to pay yourself when you start a project and finish it on time. Paying yourself when you start is necessary because it will motivate you to finish it to get even more rewarded. Similarly, when you know, you will reward yourself when you finish, you will do the task more quickly to get the reward and end up saving time.

7. Get rid of needless worries – You should write down all the things that you are worried about. This way, you will evaluate what is worth getting concerned about and what is not. By doing this, you stop wasting time worrying about needless things and concentrate on things that really matter. Eventually, you will save time you would have otherwise spent worrying about non-issues and use it for constructive things.

8. Become a faster reader – It’s advisable to read an informative book or article every day. This means you spend some time daily reading. What if you could cut the time you use reading by half? You could do this if you learnt how to read faster. You can learn to read more quickly by watching YouTube videos about the same and practicing.

9. Delegate – Do not do all the work yourself but instead delegate work that is not sensitive to other people. In the office, you can delegate to your juniors while at home you can delegate to your children. You can then use the time saved to do something productive.

10. Learn to say no – Do not be a yes person but instead, learn to say no to some things which do not add value to you. Don’t seek to please everyone by honoring every invitation. Differentiate between the useful ones and the ones that make little difference to your life so that you can save that time to do important things.

11. Get rid of negative energy – Move away from people and stuff that drag you down and sap your positivity. Negative energy will only slow you down and waste your time. You should, therefore, not date negative people or keep friends who have nothing to say but whine. The time spent with them is a waste and you should save it by avoiding them.

To wrap it up

Make your life easier and more enjoyable by completing your tasks on time and even getting time to relax. You will do this by simply saving time you usually waste and creating time that you didn’t know you could. As we have discussed above, you should learn to organize your day the night before, sign out of email and social media sites, clear your desk, create a serene environment, get rid of negative energy, and learn to delegate.

If you go ahead and implement the above habits and make them second nature in your daily routine, you will have more time in your hands than you know what to do with. This will improve all areas of your time as time is the most significant resource that each of us has and the more you have the better your life will be.

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