January 1, 2020

4 Tarot Cards to Inspire your 2020.

“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed 


It’s 2020, y’all.

Ahhh! Take a deep breath. The New Year is here. The new decade. The new moment.

Everything has changed, yet nothing is different. We remain on the path. We continue to do the work—the lifelong work of personal practice and self-care—while simultaneously striving to help, serve, and benefit others. We experience the continual realization that there are no others, ’cause we are all in the same boat. We are all made of the same stardust.

It’s a natural time to reflect on the past year and decade.

I fell asleep around 10 o’clock last night, briefly woke up at midnight with the racket, and am now up and alert just before dawn. I feel so much more grounded, present, and resilient today than I have in the past. I am grateful for the wonder and wisdom of aging.

I am owning who I am: a writer, a friend, a yoga teacher, an early bird. I am being myself: someone who is absolutely content to go to sleep early and wake up early. Someone who is not going to coerce herself into wearing uncomfortable clothes, makeup, and shoes, or stay up until midnight just because there are fireworks and it’s what society says we’re supposed to do.

This morning, I felt inspired to draw four major arcana Tarot cards for the four upcoming seasons of the four-digit number we are calling this year: 2020. The numerology adds up to four. Four is square and stable. There are four directions and four seasons we can count on.

Without further ado, here are the four intention cards for the coming four quarters. May their aspirational messages and reminders be of benefit.

1. Winter (January, February, March): The Empress

Earth Mother, thank you for giving us all that you give. Balanced red root chakra, may we feel safe and secure.

May we be fully who we are.

May we learn to hold onto things less tightly. To have more patience and allow things to unfold as they will over time. May we trust in our intuition and act upon it.

May we let nature flow naturally. May we let our personal desires and dramas step back from the limelight. May we cultivate creative fertility and trust in endless abundance.

May we heal our mother wounds. May we stay connected with the unconditional love of the mother.

2. Spring (April, May, June): The Wheel of Fortune

There is an intelligent and orderly plan behind the apparently random changes in life.

The turn of the wheel of fortune leads us to become aware of the intelligent movement behind the wheel, the destiny we each carry deep within our soul.

The moving rim of the wheel is like the ever-evolving panorama of life in each passing moment, while the stillness at the center of the wheel represents the constant, unchangeable energy of essence.

May we live our dharma, our truth, our purpose.

May we connect with our own true source within.

3. Summer (July, August, September): Judgement

Judgement comes from the change that springs from logic and reason. Be prepared to make a major life decision that will potentially shape the next chapter of your story.

Judgement signifies discernment: knowing what to do and when and how to do it.

Our long-term plans and dreams are coming to fruition.

May we strike the balance between logic and intuition.

May we let go of judging ourselves and others too harshly.

May we cultivate the clarity and composure needed in decision making.

May we use our past karmic lessons to guide us in making the right choices.

4. Fall (October, November, December): The Emperor

Sky Father, thank you for all that you provide.

Shining pure white light at the crown chakra, connect us with the sky and all the universes.

May we mix the essential ingredients of discipline and foresight in achieving our visions and goals.

May we cultivate self-respect and compassion for all.

May we channel our rage in a productive manner.

Connecting with our inner father, our powerful masculine energy, we feel our power and potency. May we rise to the challenge of manifesting what needs to be manifested, building something beneficial, and establishing and maintaining the structure of our home and family.


~Thank you for being here. Happy 2020 and beyond.

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Michelle Margaret Fajkus  |  Contribution: 56,970

author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Image: David Gavi/Unsplash

Editor: Marisa Zocco