January 18, 2020

6 Surprisingly Philosophical Cary Grant Quotes.

“Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.” ~ Cary Grant

Cary Grant has always been a bit of a hero to me.

He represents humor and wit, and his image instantly appears in my mind when the word “gentleman” is mentioned. He could be funny and self-deprecating, suave and sophisticated, but still, somehow, entirely human and one of the most genuine actors I’ve ever seen on screen. He had a sense of himself that was assuring to a young movie-lover, figuring out her way through life.

Little did I know then, simply watching him on screen, that my gut was right—it seems as though this gent was a rarity alright. He was authentic, and he appreciated the realness of others.

In honor of his birthday, I’ve pulled a handful of quotes that speak to a larger, perhaps lesser-known part of his persona. He was more philosophical than I’d expected and several of his quotes made me grin, smile, and nod in surprise—or lack thereof!

Cary Grant was more than he let on, and certainly, more than he appeared.

But, I’ll let him tell you himself:

1. “I began by acting like the person I wanted to be, and eventually I became that person.” ~ Cary Grant

2. “My formula for life is very simple: in the morning, wake up; at night, go to sleep. In between, I try and occupy myself as best I can.” ~ Cary Grant

3. “I never dwell on past mistakes…There is too much to plan for the future to waste time complaining. Elsie Mendl was a great friend of mine for many, many years. And I remember the creed by which she lived: Never complain, never explain. Just think of the people you know who are always explaining their mistakes. It merely rubs the whole thing in. You’re reminded again of the mistake. And no one believes the explanation anyway.” ~ Cary Grant

4. “Don’t go to extremes. Don’t hate too much and don’t love too much. Try to live somewhere in the middle. Hate destroys the hater. And if you love too much, you get too involved and you cannot see too clearly. Love and hate are like night and day. They do exist together and you must accept them both, but you must also understand them and be in control of both emotions. It is peaceful in the middle. You won’t be hurt in the middle.” ~ Cary Grant

5. “I’ve often been accused by critics of being myself on-screen. But being oneself is more difficult than you’d suppose.” ~ Cary Grant

6. “I improve on misquotation.” ~ Cary Grant

Bonus quote about Cary Grant:

“Love–that is a word you hear often when you are around Cary Grant. […] It seems to me that the whole world is his friend. And he is a friend to everyone–when they need one. […] He is a potent force for good–for Hollywood, and for all of us. ” ~ Sheilah Graham Westbrook


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