January 15, 2020

Honor this New Year in this New Decade by Writing your Heart Out.

We all need quiet moments, if only for a moment. ⁠

Be there for others–but remember to give yourself space. If you can take care of yourself, you can then be of great benefit. ⁠

Take a break, if only for a full inbreath and outbreath.

A book worth reading: Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

My day was good. Busy, but good. But busy.⁠

My dog spent most of the day in my cold backyard, bored. That made me sad.⁠

We all make sacrifices to our busyness. But our busyness just takes—and takes—it’ll take us right to our dying day.⁠⁠

So, instead, honor this New Year in this New Decade by taking a pause. A breath. By rediscovering your sweet heart—your basic human goodness—not only so that we may be of benefit to a warming, divided world that sure needs us to show up…but to show up for our own life.⁠

This February and March, join me and actually get writing. Write your heart out. Find your voice. Rediscover yourself, and your purpose.⁠⁠

Final hours to save $100 with code: writenow 

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