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January 3, 2020

I See Your Eyes: A Ramble by an Empath

I see your eyes, staring in mindless space


Blue becomes black

Empty of life

The soul denied access to the temple

And for just a few minutes, He’s gone

The holy subdued

Tainted, wilted, muted

To a dark force of energy, that abhors light

You stand before me, your body

But it’s not you

Yet I still know You inside



I hear your voice, shaken in rejected affection

Screaming for love and admiration

Underneath a loathe and disdain

For me

Ultimately for yourself

You stand before me, your child

Begging for salvation

An unspoken but pronounced language of insecurity

Silenced at youth


Into the ether but no takers

To a beat of a lifeless rhythm, your heart



I feel your pain, grounded in an endless abyss

Unhealed trauma

Dressed in addiction


As protection from the shame of unworthiness

Abandoned, dejected, abused

Innocence distorted

By them

Those who promised to be more

Provide unconditional love

To parent

They were, also empty

Tainted, wilted, muted

Subdued by the unholy

Unable to provide what they do not possess



I understand your struggle, lacking in acceptance

It’s real

Cursed by previous generations

Forging a scathed legacy

Self- hatred

You stand before me, your baggage


Encourage, support, admire

Nourish with water

A dry well is futile to its seeker

Numb to the plight of a thirst

Unable to pour from an empty cup of empathy

Darkness is the victor



I know your Truth, prey to fallen angels

Born with a capacity to love


Passionate, confident, empathic

Your soul has full access to the temple

A purpose

Connected to a Source

You stand before me, your spirit


Untainted, not wilted, unmuted

Far from the abyss

Seen, heard, felt

Your light defies the darkness

Your cup runs over


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