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January 22, 2020

Deciphering this Metaphor

It all started  one night scrolling down the feed on Facebook and  I read this post that said  like this:” Every time an old person die it’s like a library burning down”

No lie, my first reaction was to disagree, because  I was reading it on a very literal level.  I read  it several times like I was literally tripping on the message. I felt the need to reply to the person that I respected the views but I had a different perspective.  I wanted to say more but I left and start it to reflect on my own and end it up purging me in to another Kundalini awakening, my second one in the last 5 yrs.

Moving on.

As I reflect on that post I saw on Facebook, I question the fact that someone library (Wisdom) would burn down, what? It didn’t make sense on a 3D literal  or 5D spiritually. But It felt deep down like I was not getting it and after a few minutes I start it to channel answers!

Here we go!

I knew deep down that there was a hidden message. I know y’all can’t wait for me to tell you, right?

Here is what I interpret from that metaphor.  The library is the wisdom transforming,the burned smoke symbolize the sacred spirit transitioning , the last word on the sentence “down”. I interpret that as the rebirth of a new soul  descending back down after the smoke rise up and  it has to return back down,right? The power of this message was undeniable!

I rather have a creative imagination if you like to call it that and manifest my life into reality, than living in constant anxiety or in fear of using my abilities to create my reality and my future.

I suggest you guys sit down yourself and reflect on it and come up with your own understanding of this.  But I do want to share my own and if you like share yours with me by leaving me a comment down below!

I question everything and love learning about all kinds things, this was not the exception.


Many more to come.

To be continue...


I also do intuitive and psychic readings!!!

You need a intuitive/psychic reading??? Please leave a message down and I will contact you a faster option would be to Private Instant Message me on Facebook for more information.


Rhodenid aka Rojim


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