A poem by Maggie
Just inevitably wrong.
Attempts made to explain,
Might as well just wash down the drain.
Shady mother fucker,
No amount of defense will change the mind.
Might as well just leave me behind.
Piece of shit.
My actions that you didn’t like,
Made you look at me in an “unworthy of respect light.”
You have an excuse for everything!!
No amount of trying to be good to you matters,
Leave me here now while I’m torn and battered.
I’m on the floor melting into the wood.
Puddle of grief and tears understood,
me BETTER than anything in my entire life.
It doesn’t matter anymore all I do is inherit strife.
Death of parents,
It’s losses, no gains.
All life is is pain after pain.
And those little victories?
sometimes they matter…
I can smile and think I’m not the Mad Hatter.
I could be Alice,
And I could slay the Queen that’s
In my head that does demean.
But no. Maybe not… because it’s been 32 years and it’s not got-
Ten better, I’ve fought
The bad, the ugly and the unimaginable.
Under the radar of false beauty of hurt.
I’m not the best and I’m not amazing.
I’m broken and unloved and mentally draining.
Destitute for that open door to accept the generosity & love from my core
But I’ve got nothing, not anymore.
if you don’t have your brain
you’ll surely just wash down the drain..
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