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January 3, 2020

Super Easy Ways to Be More Romantic

Very Simple Ways to Be Romantic

1. Don’t be a cliché

Don’t do things you’re ‘supposed’ to because people say they are romantic. I realize that statement is a tad ironic considering that I’m writing an article on romance, but hear me out. If roses, chocolates and expensive dinners aren’t your thing, don’t do it! News flash, not every girl likes that stuff. I know I don’t. We’re not actually all the same. Take the time and effort to be romantic in a way the other person will appreciate. For the record, a game from my Steam wish list and some enchiladas will do nicely.

2. Do some chores

This may not sound particularly romantic, but saving your significant other from doing some of the domestic jobs they hate is damned sexy.

3. Cook their favourite meal

Food holds more power than people may think. Sure, we have to eat it to live, but it also has the ability to bring people together. Why else would most major holidays and festivities have a large food-related element? Nothing is better than coming home after a long day and finding someone has not only already taken care of dinner, but that the meal is one of your favorites.

4. Order in

No good at cooking? No problem, order in some delicious food from your partner’s favorite restaurant. I firmly believe that this is far more romantic than going out to eat. You’re in the comfort of your own home and can therefore relax. Plus, you don’t have to deal with any of the mouth breathers out there.

5. Go out for dinner

Maybe you two like going for dinner and would prefer that to eating in. Just make sure you take them somewhere they will love. Again, this doesn’t mean it has to be a cliché. If they prefer the Lebanese restaurant down the street to the French bistro, take them there. If this means they’ll be having garlic breath for the next three days, well then you’ve just proven your sacrificial love even more.

6. Spontaneous date!

Surprise your partner with a spontaneous, mostly unplanned date. Head somewhere and go with the flow, or perhaps take a random drive. Sometimes it’s nice just to break the routine of everyday life, just so long as you don’t end up in a House of Wax situation.

7. Talk to them

It can be easy to stop talking properly, especially in a long-term relationship. Maybe you’ve gotten too comfortable, or don’t feel like there’s much to say. Just try! You may find out something you never knew, which hopefully will be a positive thing, as opposed to finding out your first cousins or something.

8. Listen to them

It can be even easier to not listen properly when you have been with someone for a certain amount of time. You may not know it, but not listening properly can be really hurtful. Whether you think the topic isn’t that interesting or you feel like you’ve heard it all already, make the effort to listen. This is the person who is supposed to mean the most to you, why wouldn’t you care what they have to say?

 Wax nostalgic

Ninety-eight percent of romance is remembering not to take each other for granted. So tap into long-lost crush feelings by regularly thinking back to those first exhilarating moments that made you fall in love: the first time you met, your first date, your first kiss, your first time naked together, the first time you had teary, face-holding, we-adore-each-other sex. Remember how lucky you thought you’d be if you ended up together for the long haul—especially during those moments when the way they chew is starting to annoy you.

Don’t overshare.

There’s a fine line between intimacy and TMI. We’re not so prudish as to suggest you should never pee in front of one another, but is it so much to ask that you keep your #2’s private? And when it comes to eliminating errant facial and body hairs, it might be a good idea to lock the bathroom door. Ask that your partner do the same for you. Just think of it as quality alone time to pamper yourselves.

Go on dates.

Someone told us recently that it’s pathetically suburban to call it a “date night.” We say, save “hip” for your wardrobe and music library and embrace the cheese in your relationship. There’s a reason dinner-and-a-movie is a decades-long tradition—it works! Besides, if you don’t call it a date night, how is your partner supposed to know that you want them to change out of their old college sweatshirt and act all date-like? Subtle hints don’t work; calling it a date night does. If you really can’t stand to say those two words, then help clue them in with a new outfit for the occasion—or just ask them to wear a certain outfit that you love. and also before doing this suggest , it will be very nice by sending him or her Romantic Love Messages and it Acts of love and kindness may be a great way to do so, but words are an even greater tool. It is believed that words are the truest manifestations of a person’s reason.

Exchange just-because gifts or treats.

Don’t wait for the officially designated romantic holidays—anniversaries, birthdays, and Valentine’s Day—to give your partner a thoughtful present. Surprising them with something out of the blue shows that they’re on your mind, that you don’t take them for granted, and that you care all of the other non-holiday days of the year, too. If you’re broke, just bring them breakfast in bed with their favorite section of the newspaper on a random Sunday (and yes, “favorite section of the newspaper” may also be a euphemism for “fantastic oral sex”). Remember to reassure them that they didn’t somehow forget a major anniversary, otherwise their mind will be racing all day.

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