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January 4, 2020

The Greta effect

What Greta Thunberg is proclaiming is allegorical and deep seated. As I have explained in my books, CLIMATE CHANGE-THE NEW RELIGION and CAN THE TRUTH SET YOU FREE,  the younger generation being subjected from birth having to accept their parents’ and grandparents’ ideas on religion, can now turn to Google and U Tube and find that while for example the Bible had some uplifting principles and is a good story, it is not real. The kids feel conned but can’t do much about it since the very foundations of western civilisation are based on the Christian beliefs on which all western law is based. There is a Queen of England and the Commonwealth with her own Christian Church and Trump as arguably the most powerful man on the planet, impeachment attempts notwithstanding, swears on the Bible to take office. On behalf of that younger generation Greta says How dare you!

Can anyone see the connection? There is absolutely no way any youngster such as Greta can tackle this religious conundrum. Religion was required in both its good and bad parts as everyone searches for an answer to where did we come from, where are we going and what is the meaning of life? Saving the very planet and our existence is hard and hence the new mantra of Climate change-save the planet. Which is why Greta has such a massive following from the older middle-aged warriors who know they would never get away with denouncing the much loved Bible in public even if it contradicts itself from page one. So if anyone is attacking poor Greta, perhaps think along these lines and read her message in a slightly different form and it might be the start of something bigger even if she doesn’t realise it herself: an older generation using her to pass a message they are too afraid to do themselves.

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