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February 7, 2020

10 Ways to Make Other People Feel Extraordinary

You want to feel special and loved, right? So does everyone else. We all want to feel extraordinary. You might have been wondering how to make other people feel outstanding.  It is not easy to make other people feel special but it can be done.

In this article, I am going to show you ten ways you can do it. With consistency and discipline, you can do it. Let what you do convey to the other person what they mean to you and how you feel about them. To make people feel special, do the following ten things.

1.Pay attention to them

Show the person that they mean the world to you. Do this by paying attention to whatever they are saying or doing. Show them you want to know what they are up to, and it matters to you as well. Fully concentrate on what they are saying by listening keenly to what they are saying or doing. Focus all your attention on them so that they know you really care.

2.Compliment them

Complimenting somebody will make you and even you feel happier. For them, they will feel appreciated by you. Let the person know about a thing that they did or have that looks good. They will be able to tell that you care so much about them to notice them and what they have or do. Complimenting them will also make them gain trust in you and believe in you.

3.Show interest in them

Make the other person feel extraordinary by showing interest in them. Ask them where they are at in their life and know the plans that they have. Give a word of advice and gather more information about what interests them. Do things that interest them also so that you can be together doing stuff.

4.Be consistent

Keep putting the effort to make people feel special. Let it not be a one-off thing, and then you stop because somebody might feel like you were doing it to gain something from them. Keep doing it every opportunity you have so that they can know you really mean it. Just like every year you don’t miss to send birthday and anniversary messages for a girlfriend or boyfriend, be also constant in reassuring the person you want to feel extraordinary of how special they are.

5.Talk about them to other people

Let other people know how extraordinary the person is. By telling other people, the person will come to learn about it from other people and confirm that they are truly remarkable if you talk about how great they are to other people. The other people will also treat the person well because you have told them how special the person is and they will view the person as you do.

6.Ask for their opinion

Ask the person you want to feel extraordinary what they think about something that is important to you and they will know their opinion matters in your life. This will demonstrate to them that you respect their take on significant issues concerning you. They will also have the confidence to give their views and they will go out of their way to find the right solutions.

7.Let them know you believe in them

Candidly tell the person that you believe in them and their capabilities. This will give the person confidence, and they will also believe in you. They will feel valued and their abilities appreciated. They will also feel they are useful to you since there is something they can add to your life. They will, therefore, go all out to prove you right, and your mutual trust will blossom.

8.Share in their success

Be the first person to congratulate the person you want to feel extraordinary about their achievements. They will know you keep track of their progress and you are happy for them. They will know they have a trusted friend since many people are jealous of other people’s success instead of being happy.

9.Help them

To make a person feel extraordinary lend a helping hand to them. Learn what problems they are going through and help them out. Find out what they are struggling with and stand in the gap. Be their shoulder to cry on and let them know you are open to helping them anytime you are stuck in life. This way the person will know they mean a lot to you because you are genuinely concerned about their life and you are willing to assist when necessary.

10.Do not criticize

No matter what the person you want to feel special has done never criticize them. Criticizing the person will tell them and other people that they are not extraordinary and all you have been doing is flatter them. You cannot praise somebody and criticize them the next day. Even when they do something that disappoints you or others the best way is to call them alone and point out their mistake in a loving way. This way they will retain the trust of other people and they will know you value their input.

The main takeaway.

Using the above tips, you can make people feel extraordinary. Just make sure to be genuine and make it special. Do not do it as an obligation because it will become a burden to you and the other person will also feel it’s not genuine. With repetition, the person will feel appreciated by you and they will reciprocate it cementing your relationship. Let people know that you value them and they will value you which will, in turn, have a ripple effect.







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