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February 14, 2020

15 Daily Affirmations for Anxiety

Anxiety is a burden and it can come out of nowhere. I suffer from anxiety and sometimes it can feel like your whole world is just crashing down and there is nothing you can do. Anxiety is scary but whenever I feel any type of anxiety coming on, I turn to these affirmations to get me through it. From my experience, the best way to calm down an anxiety attack is to ground yourself and affirmations are a great way to do that. Affirmations have a calming effect & can help you change any negative beliefs you may be having. They can also serve as a distraction. I pick 3 or more & continuously repeat them to myself until I start to calm down.

What is an affirmation you may be asking? Anything you repeatedly say to yourself out loud or in your head.


Here are my go-to affirmations for calming down anxiety:


1. I can make no mistakes in life, there are only lessons to be learned. I did the best I could and I will do better next time.

2. I choose to let go of the past and look forward to all of the good that awaits me.

3. I trust in the Universe and I know that it will provide me every single thing I need.

4. I am strong and I can handle anything life gives me.

5. I am more than my thoughts and feelings. They do not control me but I am in control of them.

6. My thoughts and feelings are not permanent and they do not define me.

7. I choose to look for the positive in everything because the positive is there.

8. I choose to acknowledge that the only constant in life is change, and I am prepared for it.

9. I have gotten through this before and I will get through this again.

10. This moment is only temporary and it too shall pass.

11. I choose to live only in this moment, not in the past and not in the future.

12. I have the power to make positive changes in my life at any given moment.

13. I have come so far in life and I believe in myself.

14. I forgive myself because I deserve to be forgiven.

15. I am healing, growing and learning every single day.


What do you do to tackle your anxiety? I have learned that it is easier to change your thoughts in that moment versus waiting. For example: when you feel a negative thought or emotion come on, try to reverse it immediately with something positive! I can’t do this becomes I CAN do this!

Anxiety is a burden but we are strong enough to overcome it. We are not our thoughts and our feelings. We are NOT our anxiety. We can control what we choose to think and feel at all times. We just need to realize we can!

Affirmations have been proven to help restructure our brainwaves. Meaning we can actually rewire our brains & our subconscious thoughts. I know this sounds crazy and out there but here me out, IT IS INCREDIBLE! As I like to say, “An affirmation a day keeps the doctor away!”

Always remember, you are not your thoughts nor anxiety and you have the power so overcome them! So start using those affirmations. Plaster them all over your bathroom mirror, the walls, and the fridge, ANYWHERE! And remember, WE CAN do anything in this lifetime. We just need to believe in ourselves!

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.”

— Amit Ray

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