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February 23, 2020

“A Journey Through The Chakras” – First Chakra, The Root Chakra

Hi, I am Saralee Hofrichter, vibrational therapist, and I am so happy to share some good vibes with you:)

I have been sharing short videos about crystals for a few years now and recently, I got the idea to do a video series on the chakras. When we work with this energy system, it can help unblock imbalances and behavioral patterns that sabotage our energy and affect our health, well being and happiness.

Each month, I will discuss a different chakra, including crystals and crystal grids that relate to that chakra. I will play the corresponding crystal singing bowl so that together, we can find balance and raise our vibration so that we can unleash the full power of our life force.

By bringing our attention and intention to each chakra, it can open the gate between our conscious and subconscious mind, so that we may experience healing and be reminded that we are a powerful co-creator of everything in our life. May we go out and share and spread our light with the world, creating peace and harmony within and without.




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