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February 9, 2020

Allows healing within your bloodline source to flow.

As I was reading this book and reflected in one of the  paragraphs,  on this book:

The 7 hermetic law and Tesla’s  3,6,9 Array.

It says like this:

“Consciousness is imprisoned within mass , do to the magneto dielectric pressures inherent in the mass itself. However, Consciousness can free itself at will when there is balance between the two poles of magneto dielectric pressures within the focused intent of counter rotating thought waves”

♡Me:”We are all connected “

My understanding and perspective in a more literal way would be :


#Kobe B. Bryant  and his daughter  #Gigi.
Beieng so.. this two DNA are interconnected  and left us ..suddenly  and very sad with that unexpected exit/ transition,allowing a closure of old karma. This can pretty much be a collective mastery if we look at it in a bigger picture.

When things like this happen,  now I  understand it, in a much broader light I can see,feel and understand the truth as real!

 I see Kobe as a successful man while he was here on Earth in the 3D frequency, mastering all this dreams, his daughter being another side of his DNA energy force.. as they was working on both energy simultaneously and they might have close a multidimensional duality of karma all at once and now we must allow  that cycle and lessons to teach us and heal us. We most understand this before we can level up and allow to receive new revelations that will continue to help us all evolve and  as one we rise!

” Mass downloads!???

Physical death allows healing to happen within your, what happens next? If we are all connected? It begins to heal! That’s why is so important to understand why it matters even if is just one person at a time..because that one person you help to find it’s way to  healing might just  be in charge of closing up  A  2,000 years great deal of bloodline  karma! You just never know.

Once you do understand this,  you will never be sad when someone had to leave us even if is suddenly, you sure will missed them, but you will understand, the time here was over..that lesson/karma was learnd,completed,mastered and the bloodline is transitioning to the next level of frequency! Once the end of this body force  will  transition the energy to the next level of the bloodline evolution.

As a spiritual tribe, we got to start being the spiritual guides on Earth to our human kind in this 3D frequency, who are walking with mask and in the dark, still. Helping them find the light/truth.. so they can see and find they’re own way to source, again!

Rhodenid aka Rojim.

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