February 1, 2020

Carpool Karaoke exposed! James Corden isn’t driving except for when he Is.

That’s it, last week we learned the shocking truth that James Corden is not always driving in his Carpool Karaoke scenes.

When a Twitter user shared a video of the vehicle being pulled on a trailer, for many, the reality was incomprehensible. That an entertainment bit involving some of the world’s biggest celebrities, often seen changing clothes, dancing, and chatting, would choose to play it safe, elicited comments such as, “This is why I don’t trust men.”

It was almost as shocking as the time we learned that Corn Flakes cereal was invented to discourage masturbation. Or that “this little piggy went to market” isn’t about a cute piglet going to the organic market for muffins and local honey, it is going to be slaughtered.

Nevertheless, here James explains it all:

“I always drive the car unless we’re doing something we think might not be safe, like a dance routine or a costume change…or if I’m drunk.”

“95 percent of the time I really am endangering the lives of the world’s biggest pop stars.”

So basically all the times except for these:

“But in the case of Justin Bieber, it was a safety issue where we thought it would be best to tow the car and frankly, I just kept getting lost in his eyes.”

For reference, this was the viral Tweet that started the whole “scandal:”

And a follow-up tweet that started us doubting everything. Did he or didn’t he?

And of course, some well-timed snark:


For sure though, this is real:



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Julie Balsiger  |  Contribution: 155,175

author: Julie Balsiger

Image: The Late Late Show with James Corden / YouTube

Image: @zolihonig / Twitter

Image: latelateshow / Instagram