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February 14, 2020

Fiercely feeling


Fiercely feeling numbing down 

Fiercely dancing on the inside ground

Feeling more

So much more not less 

So much more than can ever be seen 

Sitting in uncomfort

Not wanting to be seen but found

Fiercely driven by hopes and dreams 

Fiercely being drawn to the lights leaves  

Feeling dis-comfort 

Feeling hearts fast beat

Feeling this flow into life’s heat

Dimming slightly on shadow days 

Radically accepting things are this way 

But shining brightly in other ways 

Learning from dis-comforts arms

Dancing and cheering when the light goes on 

Honouring your feelings when the darkness shines

Using your senses your sight, your light

Laser focusing when the point is out of sight 

Trusting greatly not knowing how 

Doubting and fearing when the small voice yells 

Wanting to then run and hide out of sight

But remembering then dis-comfort is always at your side

A glimmer a sparkle, a ray of hope

Gratitude of thanks for this tiny shard of light

Fiercely feeling everything

Fiercely trusting that its now time to dig in .


























































































A knowing then it is all okay

You push yourself through this darkness discomfort time 

Through the arms of comfort into the unknown 

Into your new landscapes  light

Trusting in yourself through doubt once again

Knowing your serving yourself and your true paths light 

Knowing and feeling this is your time

This is your new growth zone 

Not just a place to sleep and dream with hope

But a place of nourishment and a realm of new radical growth

A space of learning how fiercely strong and courageous you truly  are 

A place to thrive and begin to come to life once more

Then the next level arrives you welcome it to so you can open and  thrive

You prepare your self for this discomfort round 

Waves and flows of everything turning upside down

Your courageous strength and you open willing heart 

Give you the support to face it all

You awaken more as  each fear shows

You are assured it’s all part of the growth 

No longer will you sit and hide 

For the fear hunter is awakened inside 

Feel your courage your strength and your light 

As you sit with each level of discomfort fiercely day and night 

Be the light you signed up to be 

Teach from the heart but listen with grace and ease.

Being yourself so you will always be .

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