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February 8, 2020

Have you transitioned from winning the bread to making the bread?

Have you transitioned from winning the bread to making the bread? What does this phrase mean? Well, Iam glad you asked. You see, men are notorious for focusing their attention on going out and winning the “bread” but not necessarily making the “bread”? Winning the bread for all intensive purposes means trading your time , energy, gifts and talents in exchange for resources or in this case money. It’s a honorable thing of course. I mean, there’s even a quote that says if a man doesn’t work he doesnt eat. Of course it beats the alternative. Going without or worse yet , stealing and taking it. This God given desire to go out and “get it”has caused even the best of man to cut off his nose inspite of his face. In layman’s terms that means to jeopardize your very existence in favor of your performance. Your performance although playing a very important role in who you are, can not be prioritized over your very existence. This very question came to me a few months back. Which is more important , your existence or your performance? Of course this is loaded question. But we must ask ourselves this every day. What are we willing to sacrifice for the sake of our performance? If it is indeed at the expense of our existence it could be a death wish, literally and figuratively speaking. The connection between our very existence and  performance are so closely connected that  separating the two is almost or definitively impossible. Just like our lifes journey and the journey of others, will forever be connected so will your existence and performance. The fact that these two thinks must work together in harmony with one another and not inspite of one another is the objective. If the “winning the bread “process supersedes the “making the bread”process then winning drowns out meaning and without meaning we ultimately loose. We loose sight of what’s really important. We loose sight of the value of others. The value of creating and establishing value. The bread making process in essence, allows you to bring value and add value  therefore forever creating the type of meaning that speaks to the purpose of us all.

#theMeaningMakingProcess #thebreadmakingProcess


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