Find the true you buried underneath all of those layers.
Find yourself on a surface level, and yet dig deep to find the golden aura of your beingest.
Listen to no one as a child does, but only to yourself.
Change civilization.
Work through the clay of the world, instead of against it. Flow with the very nature of your being. Be at one.
And when you feel that you can’t go on like this anymore, dive deep in to the ocean of Becoming Yourself.
Truths are both permanent and transient.
Just like the famous quote says, you can continually come back to things you thought you knew and find deeper and deeper truths.
No one is perfect. Yet everyone is perfect. You can bet perfect, in your own way, with your beautiful authenticity.
Shine like a gold diamond found in the rough. Be gentle, but true.
You are the center of the world, and yet amongst it at the same time. No one is alone, in their authenticity.
Namaste, diamonds.
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