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February 6, 2020

Overcoming The Patricarchy – Together

I’m so done with the patriarchy right now.

It desires my invisibility, my vulnerability, my silence. I’m sick of banks and big companies taking my money, of childcare being out of reach and fathers’ careers being prioritised over mothers’.

I’m sick of staying quiet. I’m sick of ‘accept what you can’t change’ and ‘let it go’.

But I know fighting won’t change it.

Every time you fuck with me patriarchy I find more bricks with which to build. I’m a mother – I’m used to stepping on Lego.

Every time you take money that’s not yours I push myself harder to make more.

Every time you rebuke my mothering I build strength in my arms to carry my children further.

Every time you silence me it gives me anger with which to shout so my voice carries further.

Fighting creates more fighting. Women it’s OUR time. It’s our time to build our minds, bodies, hearts and families so we don’t have to push at what will not budge. We only have to show up together and GROW.

The tallest trees reach the sky and everything in their shade will die.


Libby Mata Harii
Image – The Way Of Tea

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