9.7 Editor's Pick
February 17, 2020

So-Called Self-Diagnosed Empath Culture is complicit in Caroline Flack’s suicide.


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I wanted to write something about mental health day last week but I was knee deep in work. And some days it’s hard to write your feelings of your not in the right place. The last few weeks I’ve been in a really weird place… I find it hard to talk about it .. I guess it’s anxiety and pressure of life … and when I actually reached out to someone they said I was draining. I feel like this is why some people keep their emotions to themselves. I certainly hate talking about my feelings. And being a burden is my biggest fear…. I’m lucky to be able to pick myself up when things feel shit. But what happens if someone can’t . Be nice to people. You never know what’s going on . Ever

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The Tabloids, & Fan Culture, & So-Called Self-Diagnosed Empath Culture—are complicit in Caroline Flack’s suicide.

Empathy is the opposite of what I call Gated Community Spirituality: you know, stay away from the homeless, the elderly, the neurotic, anyone who might be scary or challenging.

When I read this, I thought of the Empath Culture that Elephant, in many ways, is a part of:

“…World Mental Health Day, Flack posted on Instagram about her recent struggles. “The last few weeks I’ve been in a really weird place,” she wrote. “I guess it’s anxiety and pressure of life and when I actually reached out to someone they said I was draining,” she added.

“Be nice to people,” she added. “You never know what’s going on. Ever.”

Why do I hate “empaths”? I don’t hate the people. I don’t hate you. I hate empaths.

I don’t hate empaths because it’s made-up, or self-diagnosed (read here for more).

I hate empaths because I love empathy. They’re the opposite (read here for more). One is taking our sensitive, wounded, raw heart–that beautiful thing we all possess, inherently, and try and hide–and turning it into something we want to protect, by avoiding “toxic” others (we’re never toxic, in Empath Culture).

Empathy, on the other hand, can heal the world entire. The book of Shambhala is all about it.

“Real fearlessness is the product of tenderness. It comes from letting the world tickle your heart, your raw and beautiful heart. You are willing to open up, without resistance or shyness, and face the world. You are willing to share your heart with others.”
~ Chogyam Trungpa

It’s caring for others, because we are brave enough to be vulnerable and open.


Now, read that quote again:

“…World Mental Health Day, Flack posted on Instagram about her recent struggles. “The last few weeks I’ve been in a really weird place,” she wrote. “I guess it’s anxiety and pressure of life and when I actually reached out to someone they said I was draining,” she added.

“Be nice to people,” she added. “You never know what’s going on. Ever.”

If you feel sadness, if you feel pain, don’t strike out. Don’t get on twitter. Just feel it. That is your Buddha heart. That is your basic goodness.


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