when you are able to look
at yourself and only see love
that is what is going to change
the world
a girl who is brave enough
to love herself
will bring that same
love to all she meets
find me a greater superpower
Judgement separates us from love. Love from ourselves and love from others. We have been taught to believe that judgement is a belief that I have towards others. This is an illusion. Judgement is not about them but about you. Judgment is coming from an unowned part of yourself because what you are seeing in them you are disowning in yourself. You are creating a disconnect within yourself and with the world in which you live. This is why you never feel better afterwards. You feel empty so you find yourself coming back for more.
Judgement is the absence of love. By releasing judgment, you are releasing an illusion. An illusion of what you believe to be true about the world. You are releasing the belief that we are separate from one another. That you are not a part of something bigger. When we live in a world of judgment, we are living in a world surrounded by fear. Fear that we aren’t good enough. That we are inadequate. That we do not quite measure up. This leaves us feeling disconnected. Which is essentially true. We have disconnected from love our true nature and have adopted the values of the outside world. Our culture puts immense value on social status, looks, and wealth. We are made to feel less than or not good enough, so we look on in fear and judgement to help negate our feelings of inadequacy.
Judgement separates us from the truth. When we rely on judgement, we rely on our own perception and not the truth. We come to rely on our minds and not our hearts. We look on in fear feeding off the lies that live within.
Once you stop judging yourself, you will release judgement on others. The more you continue to love and accept yourself the more you will be open to loving and accepting the world in which you live. Love comes without judgements without conditions. Here in this place are you only able and willing to see the divine being before you. Because you recognize that I am God and you are God. And the world is all one. Until you are able to see yourself through the eyes of God, you will always have judgements. Once you are able to see your divinity you can’t help but only to see yourself with love and acceptance. And how you view yourself is how you view the world. There is no separation with the acceptance of oneness. We are all a part of each other. Every being, every creature without exception. When you live here in this place everything changes. The world changes not because the form has changed but because of your perception of that form has changed. This right here is your greatest power. Your ability to see the world in which you live how you want it to be. Everything that you want is already here for you waiting for you to claim. Waiting for you to see it. Waiting for you to change your lens to love.
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