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March 30, 2020

A Journey Through the Chakra Video Series, Sacral Chakra

Welcome to the second in this video series “A Journey Through the Chakras”. I hope this finds you healthy.
It is SO important to stay grounded and balanced during this time of uncertainty and shifting. Chakra balancing is one great way of doing this.

By bringing our attention and intention to a particular chakra each month, we offer healing and alignment to our energy body.

Hopefully, you’ve been working with your Root Chakra all month and you are feeling more grounded and ready to journey on up to the Sacral Chakra. If you missed the first chakra video on the Root Chakra, you can view it here.

Sacral Chakra…Think sexuality, creativity, intimate relationships, all things fluid, wrapped up in a beautiful sunset orange color. This month’s affirmation: I co-create the world I desire. I hope you enjoy this video.

Saturday, April 4th at 4:00
In addition to this video, I will be offering a “virtual” 20-minute meditation. Join me from the comfort of your own home, and at 4:00, we will sit in meditation with a focus on the Sacral Chakra. I will set up a crystal grid and tone the Sacral Chakra Crystal Singing Bowl while sending healing energy your way. No need to sign up, just tune in to the energy.

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Saralee Hofrichter  |  Contribution: 380