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March 18, 2020

Do you see what lies beyond the current uncertainty?

Our biological clocks on us ticking away

And every day one nearer to our last day

And though times may be tough for the woman or man

Good times for you may be coming so live for as long as you can

Your present shortage of money may be getting you down

And you may be one of the saddest people in the town

But better days of you may well be ahead

Though at present you do feel you’d be better off dead

The dead cannot weep or laugh or sing

Life may be hard but you are alive and life is a great thing

Today may seem your worst day but tomorrow today will be gone

And life all around us, as usual, goes on

The uncertainty in life is an amazing thing

Who knows for you tomorrow good tidings may bring.


Above is a small poem I came across a few days ago by Francis Duggan…

With all the current chaos, according to the authorities and the media, the current crisis is set to get worse. People could be isolated in the homes for weeks, if not months. 

Shops could be closed and businesses will be shut down. 

Sounds scary, right…

Yet, I believe we can come together online to make it easier to cope, distribute resources more efficiently, and, maybe, save lives.

Let’s all be in this together…

It has been said that change is the only constant in life; everything else is up in the air. That means uncertainty is a natural part of life and something that almost everybody feels daily.


Yet, we are not prepared for life’s uncertainties. When there is a change around the corner we lose our cool or feel lost.

I can say that for sure is coz when years when one of my projects I had partnered dissolved, I felt as if had stumbled it felt like a dead-end- little did I know that this will provide me time to work and revamp one of my company and not only grow it but also work on its expansion.

Now when I look back I see it as nothing more than a roadblock but back then it felt like a steep climb…

Similarly, now when businesses are forced to go remote or campaigns need to be pivoted it is not easy for one to cope…

This is another steep climb but a climb where none of us are alone, we just got to open up to the people who we can feel the connection with.

Research says that uncertainty makes one’s brain yield control on their limbic system that’s the reason why the limbic system responds to uncertainty with either a knee-jerk fear reaction or the fear inhibits good decision-making ability.

But I believe if when you think you’ve curled into a cozy cocoon of predictability, anything at any point in time could change the situation bringing you out of your comfort zone.

So, it would not be easy, but it is time to push ourselves BIG TIME

You feel now is such a time just keep pushing and remember what Neale Donald Walsch said

‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone’

With Covid-19 officially becoming a pandemic, there’s never been a more crucial time to protect our health and more importantly the foreseeable future of our work.

However, I want you to understand one thing, being uncertain or unsure does not mean that you are lost; it simply means that you are living and growing day by day with every experience.

I understand that dealing with it may be easier to say said than when done, but that does not mean we give up on it, does it? We are all at the moment trying to build measures to survive through it, but if we aim to, then first we got to stay calm.

Here are a few ways to help yourself cope when things get tough to help-your-self see beyond the unexpected.

Firstly, replace expectations with plans

Sri Chinmoy, an Indian spiritual leader says 

“Peace Begins when expectations end”

Managing our expectations is important for several reasons, the primary one being for our sense of happiness. The less disappointment we face, the happier we are.


We all must understand, we all need goals, but we need to learn to be happy regardless of our circumstances. Otherwise, our high expectations will lead to deep disappointment.

Its simple one can guide their tomorrow, but cannot control the exact outcome.

Can you?

What might or might not happen is not in your hands to decide; hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

So instead of expecting the future to give you something specific, one must focus on what they can do to create what you want to experience.

Focus on your work, take the right measures, if you give in what is required you will receive the fruits isn’t it?

So instead of expecting results focus on working and you will end up enjoying the results. Planning 

And working on your dream is necessary to help one focus and execute but it’s also necessary to remember 

‘Don’t Over Think, Don’t Over Analyze. Don’t Over Plan. Don’t Try to Predict.’


Rather than envisioning the perfect outcome and expecting something specific, just focus on what you are going to do to make all of that happen.


And when working on it move forward & prepare for different possibilities to free yourself from expectations helping you to get confident about coping and adapting as per the situations. Things change constantly. It’s fine to think about the pros and cons and the consequences of actions but too often our mind tries to get perfectly certain and gets lost in the process.

Do not lose yourself in the maze of life, it’s a place where we find ourselves and not lose.

Instead, become a feeling observer checking and maintaining the changes and adapting accordingly to them if required use techniques like yoga or meditation to help you relieve yourself from the stress just five minutes a day and it will help you. 

The meditative technique called the “relaxation response” was pioneered in the U.S. by Harvard physician Herbert Benson in the 1970s.

According to Harvard Health Publications, the relaxation response helps people to counteract the toxic effects of chronic stress by slowing breathing rate, relaxing muscles, and reducing blood pressure & ultimately helping one to focus only on what matters.

Our ancestors have said your focus; your attention determines your emotional state. Hence when you focus on the problems that you’re facing, you create unknowingly prolong negative emotions and stress, which hinders performance. 

Rather when you focus on actions to better yourself and your circumstances, you create a sense of personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and improves performance.

That’s why my friends look beyond the uncertainty and focus on the changes so you can leverage them rather than losing your cool.

Enjoy every moment, that’s what adds the bling and zing in life.

That’s the way I deal with the uncertainties of life.

How do you?

Waiting to know, let’s all of us learn from each other.

Share in the comments section below! 

Also, if you aim to connect further I invite you to my inner circle a free closed community to open up.

See you on the other side…


Yours Truly!


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