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March 21, 2020

No Thanks, I Don’t Drink Alcohol.

I have a booze fueled work event that I am attending tonight. My executive team will be there and I will be entertaining clients. Normally an event like this would invite anxiety. I can’t drink too much. I CAN’T drink too much. I have to be on my game. I have to stay sharp and be fun at the same time. I will have two drinks then switch to beer. Should I even go to pre-drinks at the bar with the rest of the team? I should, I mean I have to go. Just one drink there, just one.

This morning I do not have ANY anxiety. I am excited and looking forward to it. I get to dress up and wear high heels. I will put on the new red berry lipstick I bought from CVS yesterday and I will stand up tall and proud of myself, because I am. I will go to pre-drinks at the bar with the rest of my team.

I will smile and say, “No thank you, I don’t drink alcohol,” with confidence and grace. I will feel empowered because I know that everything will be ok.☺️

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