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March 8, 2020

Homeopathic Aconite for fever… and fear

Once upon a time you got a fever and you thought, ‘hmm, I don’t feel that great’ and maybe you upped your vitamin C or took a hot Epsom salt bath. Now you get a fever and your thoughts might be ‘OMG this is it! This is the one! I have the coronavirus! I’m going to die!’


Aconite is made from the plant Monkshood or Wolfsbane. It is most useful to us homeopathically when there is a sudden, acute, violent illness with a high fever. Usually this fever comes after exposure to a cold, dry wind, particularly when the ears are painful. Along with the fever comes a terrible fear. There can be an overwhelming fear of death, a great fear of the future, and a belief that one will die very soon. 

Homeopaths also use Aconite for panic attacks. Is it fair to say that collectively, humanity is going into a giant meltdown over the coronavirus? Considering that stores are running out of hand sanitizer and toilet paper, I would guess that yes, we are going into a global panic attack.

A man from Singapore was attacked in London a couple of days ago and viciously beaten by four men who told him “we don’t want your coronavirus in our country.” Panicked racism is happening in America too.

The psychological stress caused by worry and panic is enormous, and it also negatively impacts the body, especially the immune system. When we whip our adrenals with terror thinking, we secrete cortisol, which is a hormone released in the presence of fear – think fight or flight. Cortisol tears through vitamin C levels in the body, causing a weakened immune system, which is not what you want when a virus is running rampant across the planet.

A study showed ultramarathoners (that’s stressful) who supplemented with 1500 mg of vitamin C had a reduction of adrenal stress hormones at the end of a race as compared to a placebo group. A 2020 review of micronutrients indicates that vitamin C, D and zinc have the strongest evidence for immune-supporting roles in the body.

If you are the type of person who watches the news fanatically, is handwashing to the point of raw skin, and is terrified of getting sick, you need to do a couple of things.

First of all, get the homeopathic remedy Aconite 30c and take it once a day, or more, if you are falling into panic. Panic=stress=lowered immunity. Second, increase your vitamin C, using a buffered formula as it is gentler on the stomach. The research shows that 1500 mg a day reduces stress hormones so start there. Third, do a meditation and visualize yourself having a bubble around you that is impenetrable to all negative influences. Finally, read my article on how to boost your immune system with nutrition. 

Most likely, you are going to be just fine.




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