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March 30, 2020

How practising yoga can help you remain healthy amidst COVID-19 pandemic

From actors to entrepreneurs, people from different walks of life have shared their experiences of how Yoga has helped them physically, mentally as well as spiritually. The recent coronavirus pandemic has disturbed the life of people in a number of countries. Several countries have announced months long lockdown while some have advised people to stay at home as much as possible. Staying at home is interesting, but isolating yourself at your home for several days can be frustrating. The fear of pandemic has also resulted in making a signifiant number of people anxious and stressed out.

Popular actress and businesswoman Jennifer Aniston once said, “Yoga kind of helps you prepare for everything, honestly.” Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of the Bridgewater Associate investment firm says that Yoga has helped in opening up his mind. He also said it has made him creative, centred and boosted his mental clarity. Founder of the prominent European investment firm Boundary Holding, Rajat Khare, explains, “Yoga helps you understand how you will respond to tricky/ unforeseen situations in business and life experientially.”

COVID-19 and your stay at home is the time where you can fuse all of your energies in practising yoga. This would not only help in keeping you engaged, but also help you in redressal of all the quarantine anxiety and stress that you may be facing. Most importantly, it is the perfect opportunity where you can perform yoga by creating a routine which will allow your body to meet your soul. While people with weaker immune system are worried about themselves being more vulnerable to the coronavirus, you can boost your immune by practising Yoga.

Yoga is nothing but a rejuvenation of your body, it is the best physical and spiritual exercise one can perform while staying at home even without the requirement of any equipment. Keeping yourself healthy during the time of coronavirus pandemic is the best you can do for yourself as well as the community. Practice Yoga, ensure healthy and balanced diet and keep your body resilient from both inside and outside.

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