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March 17, 2020

How social distancing can compel us to common decency and how

Social distancing ,Unless you’ve been on another planet within the last two months or so this term shouldn’t be foreign to you. It’s the limiting and or eliminating entirely of social gathering for the prevention of or spreading of the highly contagious Corona-Virus. Before we were hit with this unseen enemy,  social gathering was the norm of course. How did we get here? More importantly how do we get back to what’s normal? Depending on what state you are in, the mandate seems to vary. One things for sure though, we are here now and it doesn’t seem like anything’s changing for a while. So how do we live in this new normal? The answer lies within something that has been proven within every human being sense the beginning of time. The ability to change, adjust and be more flexible. The story of the human journey. From birth to death, the story of the human journey outlines how flexible we are and have to be. Every moment of the journey requires a different level of flexibility.  It also requires a different demand.  It demands a different level of clarity.  The uncertainty,  fear, anxiety of this moment can actually be beneficial.  It can compel us to see and do things in a whole different light with a age old perspective. The age old way of doing and seeing things. The golden rule. In order to protect ourselves we have to actually be a willing participate in the act of protecting others. The universe has a way of reminding us of who or what we were designed to be. Beings that actually care, not just for our selves but also the wellbeing of others. We were designed this way , because of our designer. Sooo, to sum it all up. As we Distance ourselves from social gathering in order to protect ourselves and others. Let us be reminded of  mankind’s very purpose. To not distance ourselves from plight of every human being. By not distancing ourselves in selfishness but gathering under the umbrella of common decency for the betterment of others.

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