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March 7, 2020

How To Protect Yourself In The Coronavirus Outbreak

Just like every other outbreak in human history, the Coronavirus is spreading like it means business. With around 100K victims and having claimed over 3K lives, Coronavirus is something not to be taken lightly. Originating from China, the virus is deadly and is thaught to claim more lives before a proper cure is found. The humankind has faced a number of problems before, however, not something of this caliber.

If correct measures aren’t taken, Coronavirus could prove to be the biggest menace ever faced by us. In times like these, it becomes very important to take care of yourself and your loved ones. While finding a cure for the menace is the doctors’ and scientists’ job, the least we could do is stop this virus from spreading. So, here are some things that you can take care of to help in the fight against Coronavirus:

Keep Your Hands Clean/Wash Them Regularly

Since Coronavirus is a communicable disease and spreads by coming in contact with an infected person or object, it is highly recommended to keep your hands clean. You must clean your hands before and after touching something or someone that might be infected. To ensure this, I would recommend keeping a disinfectant (sanitizer) with you at all times and using it regularly.

Just make sure you don’t touch anything or anyone that might be infected and if you do, just clean your hands with a sanitizer or wash them properly with soap and water. This way, you’re not only making sure that you don’t get infected, but you’re also preventing the virus from spreading further.

Gather Your Food Supplies

Most people are rushing to the stores to buy face masks to protect themselves and their loved ones from the virus. Well, the truth is that if you are healthy, you don’t need to wear the mask at all. This is because a surgeon’s mask is very thin and the germs can easily enter the mask from the spaces. The mask is intended for the infected people so that they spread minimal germs into the environment when they cough or sneeze.

What you must be looking to purchase are food supplies. Not much, just the amount that will help you for a few weeks. Plus, this is just for emergency considering if the disease spreads so much that you won’t be able to leave your house. While I hope it doesn’t come to that, it is always best to be prepared for such situations in advance. You don’t want to rush to the stores at the last minute when really nothing significant can’t be done. You can buy and store canned food and drinks that won’t go bad for a few weeks.

Stock Up Some Medicines

Another important thing to note is that if you’re gonna protect yourself from the Coronavirus, you’ll require some medicines. I would recommend stocking up some cold and cough medicines as the Coronavirus is a disease related to the respiratory system. Again, using a mask if you’re not infected will not help at all. Experts recommend the protective masks only to those people who are infected with the deadly virus.

Make sure you stack up all the required medication so that even if you have to stay home for a couple of weeks, your health will not be compromised. Plus, staying healthy is recommended throughout the outbreak as a sick person is more likely to get infected due to less than normal immunity.

Stay Updated With The Latest News

If we are going to make it through this menace, we must stay active and gather all the information we could about it. The best way to do so is by regularly checking the news. This is because by doing this we’ll be able to stay updated about the live state and severity of Coronavirus. Remember, knowledge is power and power is used to win wars. We’ll win our war against this deadly virus with the help of knowledge.


To recall what is mentioned in this article; buy some disinfectants and use them regularly; fill up your food supplies with canned food that won’t go bad for a few weeks; stock up on common medicines that you might require in case of emergency; and pay attention to the local news to stay updated and gather latest knowledge about the disease. Remember, we’re only going to stop Coronavirus from spreading by protecting ourselves. Those who are infected will be taken care of by the doctors, however, we need to stay alert and stop this menace from spreading by protecting ourselves.

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