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March 26, 2020

Julie Rufo on the Best Sights to Photograph in Washington, D.C.

Culture, rich history, and stunning architecture abound in the nation’s capital, which is why it attracts countless tourists each and every year. For those of us who live in Washington, D.C. year-round, however, the many charms that appeal to others can sometimes lose their appeal, as we often forget to take the time to lift our eyes and soak in the beauty around us. As a freelance photographer, it is my job to remind those around me of what they are missing.

With that in mind, let us explore some of the best sights to photograph and enjoy in Washington, D.C.

The Potomac River

Similar to other landmarks around D.C., the Potomac River carries rich historical significance. Not only does it flow directly through the city, but along its banks lie some of the nation’s most revered monuments, including George Washington’s home of Mount Vernon. Although the Potomac brings a level of beauty to the metro area at every time of day, it is especially breathtaking just before the sun completely sets at dusk — also known as the blue hour.

The National Mall

Similar to the Potomac, the National Mall is also beautiful (and often less crowded) at night, as the streetlights cast a stunning glow on the National World War II Memorial, its fountains, and the nearby monuments of Washington, Jefferson, FDR, Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King, and the Vietnam and Korea memorials.

The cherry blossoms

Washington, D.C. is one of the few cities in the United States that offers a solid balance of metropolitan attractions and the beauty of nature. In fact, one of the city’s most unique features is, without a doubt, its cherry blossom trees. Originally imported to the United States and planted in 1912, the cherry blossom trees that line the Tidal Basin draw in tourists by the thousands as they bloom every March through April. When photographed at the right angle and in the right lighting, however, the trees’ blooms can be enjoyed all year long.

Julie Rufo is a freelance photographer based in Washington, D.C.. A graduate of Virginia Tech University, Julie is passionate about capturing the beauty of the world around her, traveling, and indulging in the culinary arts. To learn more about Julie Rufo, her interests, and her perspective on cooking, travel, and photography, be sure to visit her website.

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