March 31, 2020

Is this Coronavirus simply Mother Nature’s way of Defending herself?

Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


The Coronavirus and its impact on our planet is an awful situation, which is just beginning and far from being resolved.

In a matter of weeks, it has changed our way of life and forced us to retreat and slow down.

Given our planet has a population of 7.7 billion and the vast opportunity each individual has to behave independently, it is an incredible challenge to harness everyone’s activity in an effort to keep the virus contained. It is a horrible situation with thousands of people affected and dying daily. It is unsettling, sad, and all things awful.

But it’s also got me thinking.

Is the coronavirus Mother Nature’s way of defending her planet and our continued existence?

Perhaps she is aware that if we continue to live as we have, this planet is headed toward the brink of destruction. The global population continues to grow. Resources are depleting. Animal species are being eliminated every day due to human behavior.

Perhaps she has observed the massive amount of plastic and garbage in our oceans and how, as a result, marine life is declining.

Perhaps she has witnessed the increase in industry, auto, and airplane emissions as it continues to contribute to global warming and result in unusually deadly weather patterns.

Does her heart ache to see the Amazon—the “lungs of the earth”—diminish every day due to greed? I find it ironic how COVID-19 attacks our lungs as we have continually done to this planet for decades.

The natural order of many environmental conditions has been changed by our actions and disregard, as well as our societal behavior. Animals seem to care for each other more than humans. Humans disrespect other humans, the environment, and other living things; we have come to view everything (including the living planet) as commodities to serve individual need.

As a society, especially in the United States, we expect fully stocked grocery shelves, hot water, warm or cool homes, nice cars, and more. We have taken our luxury way of living (even the middle class) for granted.

Although it is just the middle of our societal quarantine, it is interesting to observe how Mother Nature has already begun to correct the environmental damage we caused. Changes are occurring at a quick pace.

The atmosphere is clearing due to a global decline in auto, airplane, and industry emissions. Within a few weeks, the water in the Venice canals has become more clear; fish can be seen clear through to the bottom. Animals rarely seen in common public places are reclaiming the space once taken from them, including raccoons seen on the beach in San Felipe, Panama; turkeys in Oakland, California; and sika deer in Nara, Japan.

Socially speaking, people are home, focused: working from home, slowing down (when not working), and spending time with their families. In my neighborhood (which is in a rural setting), people are outside, enjoying nature, walking around or riding their bicycles. Thanks to the existence of social media, we can maintain contact with each other.

Some have called it a “reset” or “reboot” for the planet, which is evident. We have been forced to retreat, to get out of the way and allow for Mother Nature to “do her thing.” Call it a “utopian” perspective, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if this episode resulted in changes for our planet and our society?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we came to have greater respect for our environment and its inhabitants, human, animal, air, earth, and plant alike?

Our world is made up of “life”—living creatures and organisms deserving kindness, care, respect and dignity. Humans are no more deserving than other living things that share this planet. All living things are reliant upon each other, and humans have severely dropped the ball in this department.

The New York Public Library/Unsplash

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we became more globally conscious and behaved accordingly, scaling back on our excess and enjoying the simpler things in life to a greater degree?

A simple observation is our use of disposable paper and plastic products—a purchase in great demand these days. I can remember working in my father’s office as a young teen. One of my tasks was to wash the coffee pot and ceramic cups at the end of each day. Today millions of paper and plastic cups are used daily and thrown away in stores and offices around the globe. Think of all the resources used to make these cups (like trees), and the related waste they produce.

Perhaps this lockdown will encourage us to focus on being more practical and to appreciate the beauty of nature and all that is around us. Perhaps the lack of commodities (like paper products) will encourage us to alter our now “disposable” society.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people began to appreciate their homes and families to a greater degree as a result of this quarantine?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our fast paced, “no time for anything” lives slowed down in the future and we recognized our blessings?

Like any good mother, Mother Nature is protective. She disciplines, although it may be difficult for her to do so. But she does so with the intention of protecting her brood and seeing it grow, thrive and flourish.



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Felicia Grondin  |  Contribution: 3,100

author: Felicia Grondin

Image: National Cancer Institute/Instagram

Editor: Marisa Zocco