March 19, 2020

A Mantra on Change for the Spring Equinox & New Zodiacal Year.



*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


At the dawning of the spring equinox (northern hemisphere), with the world in the throes of a viral epidemic, the watery sign of Pisces has a few last words to share.

Water is the realm of emotions, and these have been tested to the extreme, while we navigate the unsure waters of a world in panic.

The equinox is a time of finding balance between dualities: light and dark, winter and spring, the feminine and masculine. As we sit with current events, we find ourselves in the shadows somewhat, neither light nor dark, but in the murkiness of the unknown.

Pisces ends one zodiacal year, Aries begins the next on March 21st. Pisces flows, Aries ignites—a fire sign capable of enacting great change.

We are at a precipice as humanity, a place from which we can jump into a supremely different future. The very real struggle between light and dark is being played out on a global scale; it is a time of unforeseen possibilities as we see how quickly nature heals with decreased human activity. A balance can be struck if we tend carefully to how we come back from crisis.

I hope that we not only take our relationship with each other seriously moving forward but also our relationship with this glorious planet we call home.

Cosmic events unfolding at this time point directly to the energy of early 2020, and not surprisingly, the Coronavirus.

I recently read the following poignant words from a friend and professional astrologer and share them here with her permission:

“An important transit happened on March 18th (Mars, Jupiter, Pluto conjunction on the eve of the Equinox), which can aid in changing your life. Know yourself before you change or ask for change.

Pisces is the last of all signs, holding the wisdom of all signs previous. Its element of mutable water not only brings in the mysticism of the dark and unknown (ruled by Scorpio) and the connecting, nurturing comfort of knowing our needs and the needs of others (ruled by Cancer)—it also brings the shift within the parts we have forgotten and are disassociated from in awareness.

Pisces rules the dreamworld, enlightenment, connection to divinity, meditation, qigong, tai chi, martial arts (Pisces is called the fighting fish), kundalini, the subconscious, the connection to all that is around and within us, the oneness, the absolute, the yin and yang, psychic powers, déjà vu, hallucinations, isolation, sickness, manipulation, and hidden enemies.

2020 will change human history. Pisces is guiding everyone to see their actions and to yield in compassion to others. Keeping in mind all that Pisces rules, it is no coincidence Pisces has put in place a major halt in ‘normal’ and giving all the opportunity to slow down and be more self-contained.

The zodiacal year begins with Aries, the sign following Pisces. These two work in tandem with an ouroboros type of energy—one is the end while the other is the head, yet linked continuously.

Aries cannot be birthed before Pisces guides the new consciousness into action. Aries will take the torch on the groundwork Pisces is laying out right now.

As the Equinox comes closer each hour, it is important to ask what needs to shift the most in your life.

How is Pisces challenging the Dao, the way people are supposed to act in society, being shifted and questioned?

We take a deep look at greed within the individual and the collective, showing the duality of scarcity and greed. Scarcity feeds into greed just as greed feeds into scarcity for others.

This time is showing us that city, state, and federal governments and corporations understand that no one ought to lose their home or their job or access to water, utilities, and internet due to sickness and hardship.

This is only the beginning of what Pisces is showing the collective. It is a series of questions and actions that are prompted from emotionally charged states. It is the extension of compassion and understanding and care of all that is around us and our neighbor.

The Pisces season of 2020 is prepping for a new beginning—a wave that will be felt across the globe through all classes, creeds, governments, and cultures.

Pisces has never made such a tall order. When Pisces moves, the world shakes and consciousness is born.” ~ Tula Fae Mooney

For all, whether we live in the northern or southern hemisphere, where autumnal equinox is dawning, we recalibrate and welcome a new season. This new season can be the one that guides humanity to a new Earth, where we value the ground we walk on.

We wake up to our earth-keeping roles. We are not only part of nature—we are nature. Balance is key. Equinox shows us the way.

Will you join the revolution for a more mindful, present existence? It’s up to us. There is no Planet B as they say.

A mantra for peaceful transitions: 

I am safe in my body and on the planet

I am supported by the stars, from where I originate

I am gloriously human and infinitely Spirit

I breathe fresh air of love and compassion

I fill my lungs with health and vibrancy

I am whole

I am enough

I am bountiful

I Am

If you are able to help others at this time, please do so. Whatever your gift or resource, please share for a brilliant world. The wheel of the year turns, and we with it. In every season, kindness and love are appropriate.


Quote shared with permission: TulaFae/Instagram



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