“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” Albert Einstein
Everything within us and surrounding us is made up of energy. This is a scientific fact proven throughout time. Every cell within our body vibrating at unique levels. Each affected by the emotional and physical environment we place ourselves within. Fed positively or negatively by the consumption of what we allow.
We are living within challenging times. Many around us have never experienced situations such as these. Deeply rooted internal fears are materializing. There is a major shift in the daily awareness and comfort levels, the vast majority have become accustomed to. A growing divide between calm and fear is manifesting. It is now that we must act to prevent chaos. We all must be the voice of calm within the storm.
How we respond as a community, a family, and as an individual can and will have lasting effects. It is human nature to fear what you don’t understand. Many find humor to be a combatant to fear. Irritability, anger, judgement; all natural human emotions in response to unfamiliar and difficult circumstances. But we have to elevate our energy’s vibration to truly win the fight. Vibrating at a higher frequency allows our bodies defense systems to be strong. It encourages others to match that energy and strengthen themselves.
Love, joy, harmony, peace, acceptance, understanding, encouragement, enlightenment: All higher emotional vibrations. When you get around someone happy and joyful, don’t you also feel uplifted? When you’re around encouraging people, don’t you feel motivated? This is our moment to be the messengers of the universe. To restore balance and calm to the world we touch, the lives we encounter. We are one humanity, one race, the Human race. It is our duty to the earth on which we live to combat the anger, greed, and fear. We need to slow down, breath, and take back control of the energies we hold close.
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