‘Angel’ numbers are recurring patterns of the same or consecutive numbers that hold special significance: the meaning of certain number sequences indicate important turning points in our lives, offering us guidance on our spiritual journey: some numbers herald new beginnings, whilst some call us to action; some numbers inspire us to make choices, whilst others urge us to open our hearts to new love.
Within the spiritual community we often look out for certain numbers for guidance or validation along our journeys. But sometimes it can get a little out of hand, and we can obsess over every number sequence we see.
I have been guilty of this obsession myself.
On a particular day last month I kept seeing the number 11, everywhere: on cards, on badges, on balloons, even on a birthday cake. It was my niece’s birthday, after all: her 11th birthday on the 11th of January (11/1).
As facetious as this example may be, it is true that every single day we may look at the clock and see 11:11, or 22:22; and for night owls they may see 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, and 5:55. Unless we have a twenty-four hour clock, we may also see 12:12 twice in one day. Are all of these ‘angel’ numbers, or is it the case that because we are looking out for numbers, we inevitably see what we want to see?
Have you ever thought about buying a new model of car, and then happen to see that model of car everywhere you go? Once you settle on an idea, your brain automatically looks out for confirmation of that idea. This is known as ‘confirmation bias’.
How many times have you looked at a clock and seen an ‘angel number’ throughout the course of a day? Perhaps a couple of times? And yet how many times have you looked at a clock and merely seen the time? Perhaps dozens of times. ‘Confirmation bias’ means that we tend to focus on what we want to see, as opposed to what we really see.
The same goes for manifesting. Say we make a wish list of ten intentions, and two of our intentions manifest. We focus on the two that transpired, and not on the eight intentions that never materialised. Is a 20% ‘success rate’ enough to constitute a belief in manifesting? Is every recurring number we see an ‘angel’ number? And do angel numbers actually mean anything to us, or do we simply notice them, passively, and that’s the end of it?
Me might ask ourselves: where do we tend to see angel numbers the most? Clocks? Car number plates? Our mobile devices?
We cannot tell the time without the use of numbers. Obviously. With the abundance of car license plates and telephone numbers, it is pretty certain that we will see recurring sequences from time to time. The battery life on our phones will of course at some point register 88%, 77%, 66% and so on.
Do you focus your attention — and indeed your intention — on the occasion that you happen to notice that your phone is at 44% battery life? And when you glance at your phone and see that it is 43%, do you dismiss it?
For me, the point of angel numbers is to utilize them for guidance. So for example, instead of just passively looking at the clock and seeing 11:11 or whatever, ask your higher self a question, and ask the answer to be affirmed by an ‘angel’ number. You may find that as you ask the question, a certain number presents itself, as if from out of nowhere. Angel numbers are the most meaningful when they are unpredictable and seemingly spontaneous.
Also, it is most meaningful when numbers appear in sequences simultaneously, but from disparate sources. For example, if you were to glance at the screen of your mobile phone and notice that you have 11 Facebook notifications (or 111 if you are popular), 11 emails, 11% battery life, and the time is 11:11, and the date is 11/1, or 11/11, then that’s pretty synchronous!
Numbers are everywhere. Whether they are in fact ‘angel’ numbers or simply confirmed bias is up to each individual to decide for themselves. Having been through a temporary obsession with angel numbers, as if each number held significance, I find that adopting a discerning mindset, and utilizing the guidance of numbers when inspired to, to be the most constructive and meaningful approach to angel numbers.
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