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March 9, 2020

Stretching and Wellness for Freelance Entrepreneurs

You can increase your earning power by taking good care of your number one asset – yourself.

A growing number of businesspersons work from home, and they’re making a decent amount of coin while they’re at it. While it’s nice to get out of bed and walk a few feet to your computer and start working, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself when you’re earning a living from the comfort of your home.

The growth of the work from home environment is still in its infancy. Today, a growing number of entrepreneurs work from home. As more people find their workspaces in their homes, it’s becoming increasingly important for them to learn how to better manage their health.

As a home-based worker, you must understand how your work environment affects your overall well-being. Studies show that home-based workers are happier and take fewer sick days. However, home-based employment does have a few shortcomings.

Living Your Best Life

There’s plenty for you to think about when you’re trying to grow your business. If you care for your mind and your body, however, you’ll find that it’s easier to succeed.

You can begin to make home-based entrepreneurialism easier by leveraging business technology and other available resources. You’ll also need to rethink how you manage your workspace. For instance, you must keep your home clean and organized. Try to think about how you would maintain your workspace if you were in an office with coworkers.

As a home-based worker, you use your home office much more than you would a traditional workspace. As a result, things get messy. By keeping things organized, you can maintain control of your environment.

More importantly, you can improve your productivity by keeping everything in its place. The less time that you spend looking for things, the more time you’ll have to earn money.

Nearly everyone tries to make their home as comfortable as possible. However, it’s easy to forget about your health when you work from home. There are many things that you can overlook that can prove detrimental to your health.

For example, keeping things clean helps to keep your office space from becoming contaminated. You should also open windows and let in fresh air to minimize the buildup of pollutants and toxins.

Even if you’re not working, activities of daily living, such as cooking and cleaning, can introduce chemicals into the environment. Eventually, these chemicals can build up in the air and introduce toxins into your body.

The Game Plan

It’s fantastic to be your own boss and work from home. Of course, you’re not guaranteed the same pay every week. As a result, you never know what you’re going to make. Because of this, it’s easy for work at home entrepreneurs to work too much.

Workaholism is part of the American ethos. Many of today’s workers came up in an environment that promotes the idea that working too much is the right thing to do.

Sometimes you work extra hours because you need money, and sometimes you work extra hours because you want money. However, this proves problematic when you spend hours at your desk without moving.

Working for hours with no breaks is terrible for your eyes, your posture, your body and your mind. As your workday progresses, you should take several breaks.

Fueling the Machine

It’s also essential to give your body exercise. For example, it’s a good idea to take a break in the middle of the day and head to the gym. By walking to the gym, you can burn calories and give your mind a break.

Exercise gives your body and mind a boost. At a minimum, take regular breaks away from your computer and stretch.

If possible, do something to get your heart pumping. Office work is a sedentary activity. Regular exercise will help you to find balance.

It’s also vital that you gas up. When you’re focused on making money, it’s easy to grab anything in sight for a quick meal. However, you need to think about what you’re putting in your body.

It helps to develop a meal plan. If you know what you’re going to eat during the week, it’s easier to prepare meals ahead of time. This way, you can focus on running your enterprise.

The Realities of Working for Yourself

Businesspeople of all ages will find that running a business is hard work. However, millennial and Gen Z entrepreneurs may find it surprising how much of a toll entrepreneurship takes on their minds and bodies.

As a result, it’s just as important for young people to take advantage of resources that can help to make their work easier. Whether you’re starting a business or you’re a veteran entrepreneur, there are many free online resources available.

For example, you can use an online website creation tool to create a digital presence that will help you attract new business. In 2017, for example, 110 million people used Wix to create a website.

If you need to rethink your operation, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an excellent clearinghouse for ideas. If it’s cutting-edge inspiration that you seek, Ted talks are a great way to discover the latest business concepts.

Yes. Entrepreneurship is challenging. Fortunately, these kinds of resources can help you rise to the occasion. What’s more, you can leverage technology resources and effective planning to win the battle that encompasses creating a sustainable, long-term business.

Move Your Body!

You don’t have to deadlift a thousand pounds to stay in shape. A basic stretching routine will help you to stay limber and healthy.

For example, try this simple neck exercise. Lower your head to your right shoulder. Now, reach your right hand over your head so that it’s resting above your left ear. Press on your right ear lightly and move your head closer to your right shoulder.

Now, repeat this exercise on your left side. This stretching exercise will help to prevent your neck from getting stiff or cramped.

Also, you should stretch your spine. Begin a spinal extension stretch by planting both feet firmly on the floor. Next, clasp your hands together behind your back.

Now, reach behind you with your arms extended out as straight as possible. Inhale, then lift your chest forward until your back arches. Now, look upward and exhale as you relax and return to the seated position.

It’s always a good time for stretching, exercise and meditation. These kinds of wellness activities will help to shore up your body and mind. They can also help you avoid conditions such as poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, insomnia, infertility and fatigue.

Over time, you’ll find that wellness activities help you to avoid many of the aches and pains that come with entrepreneurialism. Stretching and deep breathing, for instance, relieves tension in your muscles and helps you to relax. With a sound mind and body, you can maintain your business and your quality of life.

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