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March 4, 2020

The Truths About Evolution All Parents Should Teach To Their Children

If You Only Want To Read One Article About Evolution Read This One


It happened like this.

Millions of years ago, all the earth was in the beginning covered by sea. Our planet then became warmer and drier (global warming). Land covered by sea started to appear. New plants and trees began to grow on land. And some creatures from the sea started to move onto this new formed land, on the continent called Africa.

On Our Planet Earth There Are Three Great Kingdoms


Plants and trees became the first living forms on land. Plants and trees are the first kingdom.

Next came the animals. The highest concentration of animals are still roaming in Africa. Animals are the second kingdom.

From the animal kingdom man and woman evolved. Man and woman are the third kingdom.

Now let’s take a moment to think about of what we have learned because it is significant. We have learned that all life on land started in Africa. That’s right, Africa – termed the motherland because it was the land of all creation.

But wait, there’s more for you to know. Picture in your mind an image of the first man. What did you see?    I can describe to you what you should see. The first man was a tribal man; an African man; a black man.

Thus the third great kingdom – the kingdom of man and woman happened millions of years ago as a result of evolution.

This brief journey is very important for our children to understand. It described in a simple way, a visual way, how life began on planet earth. And  explained it in a way in which all religions cannot. Africa was the land of first species of life. So it must also be true that all religious roads must lead back to Africa. In all fairness most religious faiths do follow this doctrine.

Then it should be true that all religious roads lead back to the black African man as the first man to walk this earth. But all religious faiths do not agree with this truth. Why?


If A Child Drew An Ancestry Tree Of Their Past


He or she would discover there was no biblical Adam and Eve and no Mary. In the mind of a ‘truth seeker’, whom I describe as a ‘spirit warrior’, there was no Son of God either because God is not man. How can this be? The first and second great kingdoms evolved before man. And thus the power which created all three great kingdoms was much greater and more powerful than any man.

For more details on understanding God read the ‘spirit warrior secret files’. You can find more information on my bio.

The key issue on evolution everybody is ignoring is man (and woman) originated from Africa.

Thus the rise of the human race was due to the survival of the black African man. He survived against all odds. He survived against lions and tigers. He survived against animals with strength and power beyond any man. Thus the ancestry of every living person on this earth must originate from the black African man – and woman.

This is the truth about evolution parents need to teach their children. Then our future children can learn to love and respect each other. And live in harmony together whatever their gender or race.

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