March 25, 2020

This is Who to Trust in times of Crisis.


Elephant’s Continually-updating Coronavirus Diary. ~ Waylon


In the midst of a global pandemic that brings economic, political, social, and health crises to our society, who do we trust?

In times of certainty—at least in terms of societal systems—we humans tend to trust our economy, institutions, politicians (sometimes), and certain social groups. However, in times of global crisis, the confidence we place in them is shaken.

Confidence. Many talk about it, but few understand that humility precedes it.

At the moment, we are required to have the humility to recognize that, as a society, we were not prepared for the global pandemic we are facing. As individual people, most of us were not prepared. If we only have the courage to be humble enough to acknowledge this, we will see that, beyond the horizon of what we think we control, there is a natural process that embraces us.

These natural occurrences come to restore what is essential.

Right now, in the midst of this crisis, there are millions going to the internet looking for help, comfort, and confidence, searching for what to do. But if we take the time to look at what is natural within ourselves, we may find just that—our very own answers.

The world is facing an unprecedented opportunity to reconnect with what is essential, and that starts with our lives, ourselves.

For thousands of years, just a few have said that we have a spiritual crisis of consciousness, patiently waiting for the time when many will say the same. Living in the world today means possibly living just that, as many now need to stay home and look at themselves, find stillness, think differently—face their shadows, and find their light.

Social distancing—a global retreat, if you will—is an opportunity to heal the mental, emotional, and spiritual injuries within ourselves, and regain our own trust. That is the principle of healing—to trust that the ability to heal is already there, available for all of us to tap into.

The voice of nature lives within us. How many times have we failed to listen to it through failing to follow our own intuition? How long have we disrespected our natural life cycles? How much longer will we fail to listen to our inner voice?

True confidence comes from something greater than ourselves; it comes from having faith in nature, the universe, and life itself. There may be an intelligent process behind what humanity is going through, an opportunity to heal.

Trust, open your ears, and listen to what nature—through your own intuition—has to say.



How to Enjoy Life Amidst the Coronavirus Fear: Your Go-To Guide from Books to Podcasts & Wellness Practices.
What the Coronavirus is Teaching Me: 5 Lessons from Uncertain Times.
The Artist’s Stay-at-Home & Stay Sane Guide.
10 Simple Ways to Boost your Immunity without Leaving the House.


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Felipe Zimmer  |  Contribution: 290

author: Felipe Zimmer

Image: Alexander Krivitskiy/Unsplash

Editor: Marisa Zocco