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April 8, 2020

Connection Is Protection — A Poem for Covid-19 Times

Isn’t it strange to be faced with the fact,
that the most powerful thing in our lives,
Is an invisible wrath,
What a chance to reckon the distrust and doubt,
That a formidable force secretly wanders about,

When we say things aren’t real,
Just because they’re unknown,
Those intangible things, become palpably shown,

Like that story about water, moving from river to cloud,
It’s hard to understand,
When evaporation doesn’t make a sound,
That something disappears, when it’s there,
and even finds its way back down,

Like the way trees make oxygen, so that we can breathe,
And we give back carbon, and they fix it for free,
For all that’s invisible,
We should drop to our knees,
But we ignore its importance, because it’s unseen,

Until unseasonable winds, take a mighty swing,
We deny the best science, relayed by our team,
We deny climate change is caused by human beings,
Covertly we continue to poison our streams,
Ignoring the forces, and the voices, we should heed,
Our death deemed a suicide — at the hand of greed.

And what about Love,
That electric current between hearts,
It walks through walls and on water,
But stays far off the charts.

We protect what we love,
But if they say it’s not real,
Would we protect what we know,
When we only know it by feel,

It’s no surprise that we pay,
For pretending to be blind,
When the point of our life,
Is to spiritually refine,

Jack says, “Everything we want, is on the other side of fear,”
But how does one steer through a threat so severe,
Stay safe, safe home, keep the ones you love near,
Let the heart grow fonder,
Until the coast is all clear,

When there’s nowhere to hide from an invisible foe,
because this fear rises with company, then fades when alone,
New war, new rules, all our safe zones exposed,
And life gets reduced to the four walls of our home,

But I volunteer to shift my fear of the unknown,
Long have I cried for the essence of Home,
Back to the formless, before flesh, and before bone,
Better though, would it be, to see — and not have to go,
That we should honor the sacred that resides in each stone.

This misappropriation of power to the known,
Is way overdue a dominion overthrow,
To wake up -while living- is a power all its own,
Feeling interconnected, having left God on the throne,
Not addicted to things, or flesh, or phones,
But instead, interwoven, with Nature, all pure, and all whole,
What happens to one, ripples through the Universal Soul,

Worshipping independence, gets tempered rather fast,
Humbling is the dawn, when we realize our strength is the pack,
Redemption comes, when we revere our vulnerability to attack,
Kindness is amplified, as we find our way back,
Fools waste their breath, keeping scores on a battlefield that’s flat,
We are all in this together
Until we learn to respect the bat,
No wall will save you from an airborne attack,
Only love for your brother can shake an enemy from your tracks.

Connection is protection and let’s not forget That.

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