Do we women like to fake it ?
Women are always accused of faking it, and by faking it I mean …….
Yes , I inserted the dots because I admit it is a bit of a long list !
Unlike men ,since the early ages women are no stranger to faking it , we fake our hair, our eyelashes ,we fake our nails , our Cupsize , some women even fake orgasms .
That’s not the issue for me , my issue is the reason behind , why women fake it ?
Is it the desire of being liked ?
Is it the pressure patriarchy loaded on us ?
Is it just us ? are we really not satisfied with who we are ?
What I also learned earlier that some women even fake their emotions to others and to themselves just to avoid arguments or complications in any kind of relationships “ to keep the boat moving “ as we say in our culture, and that was really scaring to me as I heard it .
Men don’t do that, they don’t change how they look and they barely hide how they feel.
I can’t deny that feminism has played a huge role in the society but still the faking issue is present in some communities .
So I think , whatever the reason behind faking it is , it is our responsibility that we , women, we need to really start accepting who we really are , and that’s something we need to teach girls since their young age.
Yes , there is always room for a change, but that should come after we embrace how we look (curly or straight hair , blemish , stretch marks, moles, birth marks , vitiligo ,small or huge breasts , etc….)
and not just accepting but also manifesting how we really feel deep down (happy, sad, satisfied , not accepting situation , etc….)
After all , it is our identity and we should be proud of it , we must redefine the rules and create our own terms of beauty!
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