Act Now , Act For Yourself. You feel bored and stuck at what you do just because you feel lack of excitement, there is no new connections, no new adventures, no new possibilities. When did you last make a small change or took a small risk. Sometimes even the smallest shift in thinking or doing can create the biggest opportunity.
Some doors are waiting to be opened for which you need to actnow While we are in lockdown times, start thinking about combating with the risks that you wanted to take to bounce back your passion in career.
- Challenge yourself by asking “Why you can’t do” ?
- Challenge yourself by asking “Who is stopping you” ?
- Challenge yourself by asking “Who is not letting you change” ?
- Challenge yourself by asking “Why don’t you leave old habits” ?
- Challenge yourself by asking “Why do you think of past” ?
At least if you answer two to three questions honestly, you will be able to unlock the doors of opportunities in your career.
actinthemoment actforyourself covid19 linkedin covidresp covidresponse linkedincommunity
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