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April 12, 2020

Rise Above Fear

Allow love to guide you instead of fear.

Have you ever noticed that media headlines are always meant to instill fear and never hope? To illustrate violence, separation, greed, and despair and never about human connection, growth, kindness, and generosity? This design is extremely purposeful, and is a psychological mechanism meant to control you, your thoughts, and your behavior.
It is absolutely necessary that you take a step back and do not allow these forces to control you. Can’t you feel your stress rising, your heart beating fast, your breath getting shallower and quicker every minute that passes as you sit there glued to the television or checking your phone for the next apocalyptic style headline?

Stay informed, but don’t lose yourself in programmed hysteria, chaos, and panic.

Stay rooted, take deeper breaths, and keep your inner peace impenetrable. When we allow fear to consume us, biologically, stress hormones such as cortisol rise in our bodies and suppress our immune system —compromising our bodies to infection and disease. This is why our minds are so powerful! Stay positive, hopeful, and fill your heart and mind with loving awareness and your body will follow suit! Our mind and bodies are connected, if you sit and dwell and believe you will get sick and go bankrupt, then your body physiologically responds to this stress and begins to shut down. If you consider this vibrationally, what you think, is what you attract to your life. If all you think of and feel is FEAR then all you can ever see around you and experience is…. fear. If you speak it into existence, it shall manifest.

Stay positive, empower others to do the same, and focus on nurturing your mind and your body. Now is not the time to focus on the million “what if’s” but what you can do in this very moment to stay calm, safe, and healthy. With a clear mind and a strong body everything will fall into place when the time comes you must make difficult decisions and move into action.

Love, light, and health to you during this time.

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