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April 7, 2020

Being More Intentional During Social Isolation

I have been talking to so many people who are becoming more bored as the days go by.  When I hear that all I can think of is the many tasks that we could be working on.

In a short time (the exact time is unknown) things will be back to normal and you will be wishing that you had done X,Y and Z during this time.
One thing that I recommend using this time for is self care .

We live in a busy world with many things buying for our time and attention and a ton of responsibilities.

Everyone could benefit from a good reset, the problem is many people avoid being still because it usually involves working on your healing as well.

It involves being in touch with those difficult feelings and situations we have avoided.

Now you’re at home and you can’t run from your problems… the best thing to do is face them and more importantly heal from them.
Fears & anxieties are running rampant right now.

I get it … I mean we are literally living history right now. Like in years this experience will be in a history book somewhere.

Weird to think about it like that, but this is a unique event and truly uncharted territory . There is an old saying that goes as “Energy flows where attention goes”.

Basically meaning what you focus on grows. So if you focus on worry, anxiety and negativity you will in turn attract a lot more of that. And I don’t know about you but I believe that is the last thing YOU need right now. I am a firm believer that we should operate as if EVERYTHING is working in our favor. In times like this it’s easy to believe otherwise.

Would you agree? Things are spinning out of control and nothing makes sense Because of stress and anxiety it’s easy to focus on what’s wrong but we have to chance our focus during this time Through my healing and personal development journey I have made a more conscious effort to live life as if it is always happening FOR me not to me.

Meaning that the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful are all working out for MY good. And I believe that for me and I believe that for YOU! Currently the corona virus is all over the news, social media and probably something you’re talking with your family and friends about. It’s easy to become overwhelmed, discouraged and fearful but how would it feel to instead look at this experience as a chance to focus on some things that you have pushed to the side, or time to be with family or a chance to work on a BIG goal of yours (self care, meditating, writing a book, encouraging others, starting your business)?

This can happen literally by shifting your perspective. Now I am not saying changing your view is easy and it takes work and a conscious effort.

So take a moment and ask yourself 4 weeks ago, when you had no time, were tired or worn out and exhausted, what was the one thing you said you wish you had more time for?

Was it trying new foods?
Was it sleeping in?
Was it growing closer to God?
Was it starting a business?
Was it spending time with your spouse or your kids?

Whatever that one thing was I want you to go for it now!

We all have this chance to slow down and focus on what matters. Now is when we will see what really does!


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