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April 16, 2020


The fear of surrender is something I am working with a lot at the moment as I find ways to change my mind about what Surrender is to me. Surrender is the act of letting go, of giving myself over and no longer clutching on to control. Surrender is rest. Surrender is a merge. Surrender is trust. This pandemic that we are currently in is surfacing a pattern of the choice to surrender, in global proportions. Not a single human has been unaffected by this pandemic. Every single living human on this planet is facing this, together. This is playing out in very individualized ways sure, but collectively it is all amounting to one thing. Some people have lost jobs. Some people have lost income. Some people have lost loved ones. Some have lost their sense of freedom. Some have lost their sense of self. Some have lost their faith in Governments. We all have lost our sense of normal.

What would happen if we actually did choose to give ourselves over to surrender? What more could we possibly lose above everything that has surfaced? What if you did lose your home because you can’t pay the mortgage? What if you did fall into debt that feels far too big to ever be able to come back from? What if you did experience more loss of life and more loss of you? What then? What if you didn’t? With so much uncertainty everything is possible, and it is not our place to collapse the wave function by limiting any possibilities. So what if you could be radically accepting of everything that is, when it is, how it is? What if you could simply take in a deep breath filling your belly as much as possible and let all control go out through your mouth with an audible sigh? What if you could make the choice to go out and put your feet on the earth and stretch your hands out in to the air and just give yourself over to the present moment? What if you could just fall to your knees and rest your forehead on the ground beneath you folding all of your fear of the future, of your livelihood, of your families lives, into the floor? What if you could simply say “ok, I have no idea how I am going to make it through this, but I am going to make it through this.” What if you were that powerful to be able to say that, believe it, and it were true?

Surrender is the act of radical acceptance. It is being ok with not being ok. It is trusting that even when we are not ok that we are ok. Surrender, and letting go of control, is one of the most liberating choices you will ever make. In one moment your whole being is constricted in the clutches of control, suffocating the life source out of you by needing to be in charge of every single thing or else you might just die. The moment you let it all go you will be so free you could almost walk on air. Surrender is our freedom of choice. Surrender is our freedom to rest. Surrender is our freedom to just be.

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