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April 6, 2020

The Mother of all Times

How are you right now in these times of times? My prayer is that we each know how deeply held we are, in and by Love itself. Whatever our personal experiences in this shift, there is ever-present Love. We are pulled to meet everything that is rising, from the depth of what we actually are. This is a great re-balancing, into the arms of the Mother. The extremes of patriarchal control are shifting. Temporarily our external freedoms are being stripped, as are the foundations of what many see as normality. Can you see the discovery for many – sometimes – quietly – sometimes through great storm – of actual freedom? Of what remains in the disintegrating?

There is real suffering and economic and emotional devastation. There is much anxiety. And also, taken out of the workplace, people are incorporating daily walks, meditation practices, home cooking, planting gardens, family time. Some are getting more rest, more emptiness and certainly a different pace of life, devoid of the nine to five overlay. We are getting to explore flow as well as focus, yin as well as yang, desperately overdue and imbalanced on the planet. Whilst many relationships will be feeling the pressure, there is also the opportunity for some for much more time together, genuine conversations and the adventure of exploring how to live day to day in this whole new world. For those along physically, there may be renewed or new connections with family, friends and neighbors. Creativity is sprouting exponentially from online projects and countless zoom calls, to handicrafts and long delayed art projects. The feminine that has been rising for years is coming home to land and a whole new balance is seeding. It is alive and messy and painful and unknowable and joyful as this new births.

There have been countless disasters, natural and “man-made” that have taken a toll of millions, and continue to , principally hunger and war. This present development is characterised by breadth and magnitude of its effects unparalleled in living memory. (One of the most comprehensive and intelligent pieces of writing you may find on this is here. ) Most, if not all, of humanity is being touched by this wave. Some are far more unprotected by any semblance of financial wealth or health infrastructure. Some are more vulnerable due to age and health issues. This is not about a virus. Nor can anyone claim certainty about the multiple layers of what is occurring. So we can discern information and make informed and responsible choices, but truly we are brought back to our own wisdom and to what is greater than any understanding.

Grief is a common experience, whether our losses may be deemed minor or catastrophic. All griefs at their base, come to the great grief, the un-nameable howl of matter believing itself to be separate from the formless Infinite.

At the widest level, there is a total encompassing and embracing of all of this in Her Love and Grace. All tears, all lostness, all aloneness. As birds and dolphins return to deserted cities, skies clear, pollution dissipates dramatically and Gaia breathes deeper. The Great Cosmic Mother is here, we are in Her womb.

Many of us have been feeling all the way into being with this incredible situation across the planet and deeply into the bones of our lives. We have to start from the ground (earth) up, taking care of our hygiene, our sphere of contact and our bodies vibrancy and resilience. As we contemplate threats, perceived or otherwise, to survival in a body, it is prevalent that primal programming and cellular memory about death grow stronger and more visible. What is also occurring amongst the awakening communities is a greater, deeper stability in energetic coherence to hold the physical body as it releases.

We also nourish our connection to the formless and to what sustains and expands our very Being. We are in the living practice of simplicity, surrender and living life in the now that we have been preparing for. This is an unprecedented time to anchor in our own practices; ground our sovereignty; to find the stillness and stability of our own selves; as we weave and create whole new ways of living and being in community. Let us remember too tender compassion for our humanity and vulnerability; the places that release fear, grief or rage.

Our role may well be to firstly hold frequency above all. And that can look like living daily life in the simple and creative ways we can, in an ongoing exploration of form and flow. That means being here firstly for and with our own Self, carving out dedication to self-care – more than ever when there is so much noise on the collective airwaves – and practicing dropping in and down to the omnipresent. We get to choose love and care for this body and our immune system; for our minds, our hearts and for our spirits.

Here, it also means being here and in this play with my four younger children and two house guests, perfectly drawn together from Brazil, China and Scotland to be in Mount Shasta right now, all of us navigating something unknown and wildly magical. Personally, just now, I am realizing in deeper ways why I received a call to California seven years ago to be here now.

It means showing up more fully for our community, both global and local.  Witnessing the irrepressible buoyancy of the human spirit, singing songs from mediterranean balconies, or exhausted medics chanting prayer mantras before surgery, we are seeing who we are when much is being stripped away. Yes there is also greed, panic and selfishness but look wider, look deeper.

Here in Mount Shasta, I am moved to offer direct energetic support in the ways I best can through this incredible shifting time. One of the ways that is expressing in this moment is that, since the middle of March, I have been holding free daily meditation and healing support via FB live at 10 am and these will continue ongoing. On any day, if that might be of value and resonance, you are so welcome here. I have also created a new meditation for those not on social media.

It is more evident than ever before for many Beings that Life is here in this now. “Plans” can have no solidity and we are being drawn home into the only true navigation, our own Self-nature as Life, as Source. Timelines are not only collapsing and redirecting, they are doing so in such rapid and pivoting ways. The mantra to live in the moment has graduated to an entirely new level of weight. Any attempt to plan dissolves immediately and we come back with more clarity to the only thing that is true. The reverberance of our own heart.

As this wave touches across race, gender and age; as it reaches opposite sides of the planet, the evidence of our interconnection is dramatic.In the disintegration, can you feel the cohesiveness and the perfection as we are literally forging a new world? A message that has been at the center of these shifts is the call to our own sovereignty and authenticity and simultaneously the Divine web of our inter-connectedness. As never before, locate and learn to listen to your own Self. This is Mastery. Many of us have a great wealth of tools and experience to utilize and, simultaneously, it is also great wisdom to know when to call in loving support in a particular wave or cycle. As we live our days in these strange and surreal bubbles of enforced distancing, the value of our kindness, compassion and connectivity with each other only soars.

For many that have felt the undercurrent of celebration, gratitude and awe , yet are sensitive to the widespread fear, grief and confusion in many, do not deny your truth. Stay humble, let go of any attachment to understanding or certainty. Ask questions but don’t hold onto answers. Get quiet and hear your soul sing. For this truly is the time we have prepared for. The acceptance of this permeates layer by layer in wonder. We are ready.

Helen serves in the evolution of consciousness on the planet and the birthing of new ways. She is Cosmic soul , evolutionary, healer, lover and mother here to birth the new through Love right along with you. She has been developing and assisting with embodied awakening internationally for two decades. Free daily live meditation and healing on Facebook right now, most days, 10am PST. Find out more on her site, where you can sign up for very occasional mailings and on Facebook and Instagram. You can subscribe on YouTube for free meditation resources and on Insight Timer and Soundcloud.

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