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April 9, 2020

The Unseen Good Side That Comes With Overcoming COVID-19

It is no more news that the deadly pandemic has caused so much harm to almost all sectors of the global everyday life. Financial institutions are counting their losses on a daily basis. The world economy is in jeopardy, sport and cultural activities are on compulsory holiday and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics is suspended. Death tolls increase daily which challenges the competence of our health sector, the government are forced to suspend many political meetings and compelled to pick up the safety of their citizens from the deadly pandemic as a point of order. 

Everyone is carried away by the unpleasant report and only few are optimistic about the good things that the world would experience when all this is over. This article is aimed at easing the fear and showing you the bright light at the end of the tunnel with emphasis on financial resuscitation and better health.

Beating Covid-19 Brings Financial Resuscitation

The meltdown in the stock market has made many people conclude that there is no hope for the economy until many years after the world’s recovery from Covid-19. Thanks to a recent article released by Forbes makes it clear that the stock market is not the economy, and that’s fortunate. The coronavirus pandemic has affected the economy in the areas of supply chain failure, travel restriction, job loss, and business profit loss. 

We have learned a lot of lessons from the recession caused by the 1918 pandemic and world financial experts are already putting everything in place to cushion the effects of the pandemic on our economy. It is true that there’s possibility of recession but there’s going to be a V-shaped recovery after Covid-19. Leaders of many countries are doing a lot to ensure quick recovery by keeping business on life support as they encourage workers to work from home and keep them on their steady pay roll. Let’s take a look at the Chinese market just few months after their recovery from their pandemic. DAWN POLYMER’s shares has increased by 417% with about $1.9B profit margin just within three months of recovery. Foreign companies in China such as BMW that resumed in February are also making headways so fast. TESLA and FOXCONN are also recovering fast, which shows that there is a bright side after the crisis. 

The interesting thing is that the economy was in good condition before going into the crisis and the productive capacity, industries, estate and office buildings, human capital (except, of course, those who died during the pandemic) are still preserved. 

It is important to note that a lot depends on how we move from stay-at-home to go-back-to-work. It is more likely that people will probably be avoiding large crowd for a while in the first few weeks of free movement but as things get back to normal, there would be rapid growth in the economy.

Beating Covid-19 Brings Better Health

Out of every crisis, new opportunities emerge. There is no doubt that the government has invested heavily in acquiring sophisticated medical equipment. In a recent podcast, John Kravitz explained a 500% increase in telehealth visits with a couple of weeks since the outbreak. Smart technologies have been introduced to help detect patients infected with Covid-19, speed up their treatment and help curtail the spread of the virus. 

New heath workers are recruited to help with simple medical assistance in the rush of managing the pandemic. Geisinger has also trained over 1000 providers on conducting telehealth’s visit with patients. The fear of contracting Covid-19 has made people more enlightened about a lot of risk attached to exposure to bacterial, fungi and virus. It is certain that people will be very conscious of their personal hygiene which equals a healthy society. The medical equipment purchased during this crisis so as to support existing supply, will boost medical facilities even after the pandemic. 

There is assurance that overcoming Covid-19 in the quickest possible time equals a boost to financial prosperity and better health moving forward.

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