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April 11, 2020

Wake Up Time’s

What A wonderful time to be here on Earth, having this human experiences that will challenge  our kind to grow and transcend. Of all the  infinity of galaxies that exists in the cosmos..why Earth? could you truly believe it’s accidental?.. that we are chosen to be here at this very just be ordinary ? Is it really A coincidence to be exactly where you are now and not question your self ? GOD is too magnificent for that to be , HE has a purpose! ..What an honor this is. To walk with bare feet over planet Earth ..over this blessed soils channeling and connecting with thousands of other past generations of  ancestors. What a time to be alive! Yet we often continue to take this opportunity for granted, or have become so stagnant that nothing appeals to us anymore, ..not even finding ourselves .

We have a choice to be the greatest yet..this can’t be the reason we going down , this is the reason we going to wake up! …We have had this virus Covid19 for a long time. Its manifesting itself now, because now it’s  the time for it to fullfill it mission. We are constantly given signals on a daily . Our soul tribe is constantly speaking to us. Guiding us to were and what we need to be doing or  focusing on next.
We receive messages every day in different ways..we have to learn our soul language .
We need to find our soul purpose and only then..everything will start to make more scence.

But we are distracted by everything  that this existence has to offer. We are tired of working hard every day to fulfill a temporary life. And little by little, this becomes more blur by the day. Nothing makes any sence unless we find the reason we here for.

Nothing is  enough.we got to ask our selves, if I have more, will that be enough? Will  that fullfill my soul? Personally it never has for me.

We got to stop seeking outside of ourselves for self and understanding of it all. Realize that no external thing will fill the emptiness that we have inside. It is all masterfully created,no need to worry, we are made to concur it all..we just simply have  to allow it to manifest.. we got to trust that it will be..easier written than done..Right? Trust me..try it.

We can look at it as this are dark  times of extreme stress, clouds of fear and massive anxiety or  we  can start envisioning  it from a different perspective, as an opportunity  to manifest and cocreate with the Universe. We can transcend to the next dimension and evolve…and by starting to heal generations of old karmic trauma we can heal our bloodline as we close old cycles. But this change must start with US(SELF). We cant wait for others to do it for us. We got to be the Change.. and when we  change, watch all around us changes too. We are all one intelligent force , coming from the same source .It all comes down to the same thing we all continue to talk about, daily.. that unconditional love, the one and only that will save and heal our kind. Time transform, transcend and evolve. Let’s Wake up Now!


Rhodenid Oyola Jimenez aka Rojim-

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