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April 3, 2020

You are ‘Complete’

‘Being complete’ is a state of mind. When we think of completeness, some may feel it will happen when they land that perfect job, when they are in a perfect relationship, when they attain something in life.

The truth is far from this.

Feeling ‘complete’ is a feeling of ‘wholeness’ or ‘contentment’ every single day. When your heart is filled with gratitude and pours over, you feel there may be nothing more precious than this very moment, you are alive and breathing, that’s when you can try to be in the state of completeness.

It is a state within oneself, where everything feels right. And even if it isn’t an ideal scenario, one learns to accept what one has. It lies in surrender and acceptance of things as they are, as opposed to fighting one’s circumstances all the time.

So what does one really need to feel complete? The right attitude. A mental equilibrium is required to feel complete. Where one desires not more, not less. It’s not this or that. It is everything and all encompassing.

If completeness depended on something outside, then that state will change according to whether the ‘conditon’ for completeness is met or not.

Being complete is not ‘because of’ rather it is in the ‘now’ , the very Being of existence.

When the source is within why look outside?

All that we need to be complete is exactly where it should be, within ourselves. And that perennial fountain is always giving. As one goes within something magical happens, one realises that one needs lesser and lesser things to be happy and content. When that ‘Aha’ moment arrives,  take notice of it. Be aware of the magnanimity within, and pure unadulterated joy will keep you singing in a state of total completeness.



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